Saturday, June 25, 2011

Made it pass the Solstice!

Wow what a year almost July? We are moving so fast it is important to keep moving into the new no matter what is going on. Our Quest is moving great another year our 5 years offer up to spirit. I have been wanting to write for a long time when my inspiration comes I am running or in the car by the time I get to a computer I feel like I have written a dynamite blog. OOps! So this cycle of New beginnings and completions with feelings of grief, basic tiredness. I have gotten calls from people feeling like all they want to do is rest asking if there is something physically wrong. However the energy till this Solstice has been like that now feeling a more positive shift. We have gone through so many completions on so many levels while in that birthing of new beginnings. When I look at myself it feels like since 1986 there has been an odd holding pattern. I feel fortunate in raising my sons who are now men. I do feel that a pattern was created which much changed while remaining the same now ready for new. I watched the completion of Oprah yet seeing the excitement of a New Era. I listened to Patricia Robles the other day saying that with the seemingly negative dark issues are coming to the surface to clear or heal. I feel that this is our opportunity to get out there in a bigger more positive way. And yet being selective to the energies we engage with. What may have worked in the past that group doesn't serve but takes too much emotion or energy to just hang with. This visit of Amma was spectacular our Satsang group sang on stage to Amma. The a few of us from Mt Shasta were able to do Arathi right in front of Amma so we spent maybe an hour and half at Amma's feet another mind blowing experience. So in the mists of our challenges I feel I am being blessed while still doing the work. What is the work? Still meditation, prayer, exercise diligently. I have done 2 half marathons which helps me stay disciplined, planning to do another in the fall. There was a wonderful couple from Arizona Cynthia & Barry educators we were talking about the necessity of doing that physical work, while incorporating more exercise handling the energies that are upon us. I keep telling people just that with all the frustration with the economy, floods, earth changes, tornadoes, in order to combat the unrest clearing the grief, frustration or general sadness we must keep keeping on. I view my own past these patterns of co-dependant, addiction, drama's that are all around. I often think well people feel this or that it blows my mind that in narcissism people don't feel that remorse or sadness. I have 2 men friends that are in recovery for over 10 yrs, they will not return a phone call to just do a friendly update ........nope but I am sure they are completely justified as to why not. One I have known since I was 15. I have left messages inquiring about his son and health, wondering how is Mom who I saw a couple of years ago was 85. Then this other fellow I have had in 2 of my Quest's plus have spent much time with him he too is in recovery. My thoughts are in good respectful courtesy you as friends just check in. I guess me being an only child create family's or friends that way. I even tell clients to let me know how things go. If I have read for you in my prayers you are in my memory. I am not a psychic that it fads away. I feel once we have gone into that intimate part of life we are connected in some special way. I feel we are truly blessed to be close to those certain people as we transition into this new phase of our lives. I feel that where there is that isolating not being willing to get intimate is limiting our connections, what it sad is the definite choice of people to do that. Often calling it something else. I guess everyone wants to save face. I was talking with my neighbor who within 5 minutes telling me of 5 people who were losing their homes in foreclosure, he commented on such a drastic birthing process....So the effort to push through the energy while creating a new releasing old destructive patterns is more of a challenge but well worth it. People wanting confirmation that all is well while seeing this takes a special ra-ra tactics. Please feel that you are loved by the Angels the angelic force is here wanting to support you, Mary, Quan Yin is ready willing and able to give you love and support......the Divine Goddess is surrounding us no matter what is going on. We all feel like the burden is so great, pulling that bag of rocks around is old hat we have done it enough uncle uncle. However the strong will inherit the earth absolutely essential to be in nature feel the force of the Divine while teaching & healing you. Feeling the strength of mother nature she will win she is a force to let you know change is here. We are the ones that we have been waiting for the time is NOW!

1 comment:

Jen Reich said...

Thank you Linda for your love and support!