Friday, November 7, 2008

Higher Vibration

No matter how you feel about our current election watching the dancing in the streets all over the world something has changed. The vibratory rate is definitely asking to be more responsible on a world wide level. Each news caster is asking that we be involved in that change, do we really have a choice? Those of us who have been praying for the change for longer then we can remember we are here. It is up to us to keep the sacred as part of our every day practise! It has never been more important to meditate, pray, dance, chant, do that practise with reverence. The earth is celebrating the moment of history when we all said, "YES we can ." The new NOW has shown itself in a grand way, no-one can diminish the shaman show all over the world in the farthest places. Some-one said to me, " You must be happy about Obama, " My response is, " What I am happy about is how this has created Unity in the US and world wide. " The day of the election I was walking up my few stairs at my home in Mt Shasta the message came through loud and clear, "Everything has just changed. " Little did I realize how much, if there is anyone you need to send amends do it NOW. We can't keep keeping on with the old anger, it is time to move into that time of the sacred. I know being awake isn't a walk in the park there is much you are responsible to do within your own heart of hearts. Tell those that you love, you love them don't stop telling them never know when that time comes when they will be in another reality. Many people have been experiencing grief it is a yahoo to letting go of the old pains, lives, with it comes the reality of a death of sorts, of ourselves. It is a good thing to feel those deep feelings let those tears roll, feel it in the depths of you soul, for a new day is here. On a personal level I need to make schedules of my events, which till now I was pre-occupied with our business, but the message is loud and clear to make flyers for a monthly sweat lodge, Artist Way groups, more often gatherings here in Mt Shasta. I did a reading the day of the election with a gifted soul Russy who I read for about 6 yrs ago working as a NBC news guy, it was wonderful to see him feel that connection that I knew we had and still have. When I read or do work I always wonder how they are, then when he arrived getting me caught up with his life, also respecting my work, is a big wonderful thing. I also received a beautiful email from a spiritual Minako Usui, she hoped I remembered could I forget such a beautiful being. When she left my room on my purple sheets she had arranged the rose petals I used in a heart. I showed her the book I was in from Takako a famous woman who came here to write her book on her own spiritual journey. Takako blessed me with being incredibly reseptive to all the energy in the Sweat Lodge, having her crew to take pictures, recording the sounds of the fire and all that goes on in this sacred ceremony. It is time for us all to be more present more visible we have these contracts that we said we would in this NOW time. I am waiting for guidance as to how my schedule is going to be planned out. I have a feeling I will be doing a group once more in Georgia, that area is very good to me. I know the time is to keep moving, rising to the occassion. I am only to happy that mom with the gifts of the angels was able to stay and do her work more profoundly here at the store. What I have noticed she is definitely dancing with a more in depth spiritual connection with people, there is a feeling of genuine appreciation from the public on an intuitive level that they know they are gifted that she is still here to assist them in their journey. I have also noticed on a deeper level if they are not here to support this changed in a sweeter way she has completely let go of any expectations that they will get it. Being an Aries saying in a sweeter way is a huge acknowlegement of the amazing change that has occured with her near death experience.
Thanks for reading this!
A great woman Laura, who told me she reads it. ( she is a devotee of Amma )
I am always blown away about such things!