Saturday, February 2, 2008

February Wow.......Dive Deep

So we made it through the beginning of the year where are we NOW? Gosh I keep hearing the clearing our clutter, from our space, mind and relationship's, we are moving very deep. I think it is important to reward those changes, we have waited many life times to address many of these issues. We finally feel awake, being much more present to our destiny. We are modivated to be the best driving the boat to new awareness. No longer having those deep seeded core issues running our lives, and not knowing it. We have begun a huge process of this life, we cannot hide we are completely present. No matter how uncomfortable it may feel raising the vibratory rate which is uncomfortable to say the least. We are in uncharted areas of new awakening, it is our time. Meaning if you are reading this you are one of those souls that said you would do this. There are plenty of people that are not in this energy, it is us that are holding that high vibratory rate for the planet. In this life there are no accidents we are here for a divine purpose, we have contracted to do this which is our responsiblity to humanity. It is a great time to be here, an awakening never felt before. I read astrology to see or feel the next steps for each of us, it is the mystery of life unfolding in ways that blows our minds. We have an election, we have awareness around global warming, we have the world economic developements, with the spiritual all this can be handled in a powerful way in a divine way, it is only a thought away. We must focus on peace, light, beauty, knowing the ancestors/guides/angels are moving in dramatic ways in our lives. WE know we are doing what we need to do. We know the emotional challenges are clearing the way for the Great Awakening that we are NOW part of the great puzzle called LIFE. Once again if we are in eachothers lives there are no mistakes to the dance we are doing, lets keep it going with Great expectation it is all good. Thanks for being here!

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