Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Oh my we are in the new NOW with all the goodness and challenges that are upon us. We have risen to new heights however out of the birth channel it feels really odd. It doesn't feel like things have changed, but in our heart of hearts we know it will never be the same. And what in the hell does that mean, it is up for grabs? The clarity of this year is we have to move on, keep keeping on......with more determination more grounded earth energy more clarity, basically showing up. Once the spring starts sprouting we will have a better idea of our role in 2008. It is all very exciting but we have to keep our health and energy up. We once again are in a the deep process of the Winter Solstice, still inside not ready to venture out. When people move to Mt Shasta there is always this excitement, but going through the first winter, diving deeper then expected. It is always a process that involves not only ourselves but the great world energy. I remember with the Tsunami the range of grief that was available after so many souls had Exodus. Now we have had this beautiful woman assassinated, we as women on diving deep in our souls understanding her death is not in vain but understand the dark force corrupt are at work. Understanding we must be counted. It is such an important to time to be Visible in all ways we no longer have the luxury of hiding out. It is our time to stand up and say I am here in the Now! Yes in this process some relationships will change, be completed so the New now can create those alliance that perpetuates our great growth and spirituality. We are upon Holy ground, we are the Holy ones that was spoken of long ago. There are no accidents and to our tribe our group, we said we would do this. The other relationships are just falling away the way they are suppose to letting go in such big ways.Then there are other relationships that are coming in once again to continue the depth that they are longing for. For me personally these last few years have been a challenge like no other. I have been effected in such grand ways. It started in 1992 or so, faced with all sorts of lessons. It was during this Full Moon in December, when I took a fall outside the store. I flew up bouncing on the ground on my butt not seeing it coming. I went to the chiro but continued to have head aches, so then I was able to have a viewing of this time. I realized I needed a clarity on my passage into the new NOW. In the time of 1992 I had been studying with Native American philosophy's, with several different teachers. I entered into a relationship that started as a fling but then he moved to California. As I look back it was an oddity from the very beginning, but also a great blessing for many reasons. One being a greater understanding of addictions, my boys worked with him in our business which help the boys be men working in construction. There so many difficult times, being in the center of a cyclone much of the time, only now understanding some of the past life trauma's which only since having store has given me the clarity. When this started my mom and I had a beautiful beauty salon in Burlingame, looking back at such a different life. I really appreciate the beauty of the surrounding that we created then when that came to a close we went to Findhorn in 1996. It was a great completion, I also bought my house in Mt Shasta. We spent Xmas in Mt Shasta, after starting this romance with the mountain in 1978. It wasn't till 1998 that I moved permanently to my mountain, after my boys were raised. I had done a Vision Quest on my 50 moving into a more spiritual life, not really understanding what that really meant. My mom was my supporter, she had brought me into this planet called Earth and now into my later years. Well the journey has been a wild ride. So we are part of this great collective new NOW. With my fall I have given much thought to the time line that some of us made unconscious choices which only now we are understanding, now making new contracts to make the necessary changes being awake. Wow weee!

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