Getting ready for first Sweat Lodge of the season: I was laying awake thinking about all that has transpired since 2014 whewww no wonder I haven't written lots first Mom & I had a spectacular trip to Hawaii in Oct. 2014 upon coming back she ended up with a staph infection that took over our lives till she finally ended up with a specialist in Redding what a feat that was, then she had back surgery, then she got a cold that broke 4 ribs, I went off to Bill Baren's Big Shift 2015 with much reluctance because she was sick, then another back was really a weird time for Mom who is extremely healthy. I continued working with great clients, one of mine clients & me was suppose to do the Half Marathon in Kona in June 2015 then with all of this I knew I needed to cancel still moving on again the only thing that kept my sanity was working out, meditations, continued gratitude lists, This is all the reasons I have not written when I am in the thick of it seems like often I don't want to see it in the written word. We made it through that I went to Baltimore for Christine Kloser's Transformation Author Experience which was just that exceptional in all ways. Really started focusing on my book I had summit my proposal for her contest July 31, 2015 which got the juices moving in me, then after that trip started a Soul Sister Writing Group on Zoom every Saturday PST 3 which has been awesome. Mom & I did our yearly trip to Kona Oct. that was say the least I have my last chapter for my book as I went out before dawn running/walking 4 miles I was downloaded all types of information and my own healing. Upon my return I was guided to once again address Vision Quest of 2016 so I got different people to help with my flyer which in it's self was a feat getting them to finish it. I also had an amazing young woman Cheyenne Mittry come from Panama for VIP 4 day retreat taking her around plus doing private session she stay with Alana & David from the Dream Inn here in Mount Shasta they were amazing she was such a blessing and continues to be. Then receiving not great news from Mom's Doc off to another go round of health issues, after she then got Dec. 2015 I took a fall got a staples and stitches in my head, plus bronchitis, concussion, that lasted for about 2 months, so that is all the reasons I haven't written life was happening. Still really moving with clients more private moving toward webinars, I had hired people to help me get on with that to no avail so now with zoom and google almost ready to felt like there was a hold on movement but around Easter of this year feeling a surge of movement committing to Bill Baren's Big Shift coaching going once again in March, still working with Christine Kloser's group awesome, plus my women's group Psyche Salon Sisters, Soul Sisters Writing, moving forward with my book which is going better then I expected a month ago and here I am getting ready for the first Sweat Lodge of the year with all this movement I also am praying to re-schedule Vision Quest a bit later. I also want to than Elizabeth Purvis for her coaching especially Denise I was chatting with her talking about my supporters for Quest she said why not charge enough that you can pay then fairly so you can get the work done you need, not feeling so much responsibility for hard labor myself, which is a great idea I think now charge a VIP fee has me feel a bit shaky that is why my Quest hasn't gone my own wondering of am I worth it but I know with 2 months of coaching, a week of Questing, teachings, and then 2 months of follow-up I know I am worth it. So this is all that we are praying for plus my wonderful clients those who still are in the soup and those who have moved on in a good way. I pray for those who don't understand the teaching in a Shamanic way a very different experience in reading and work, explainable deep work. I had a client last November that was triggered in her session being unaware of Shamanic Work which saddens me because that often is some of the best work if you follow through.
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