Friday, January 31, 2014

Little touch from the Angels, Mary, and Raven's!

So my friend Jen Reich
 poet was talking about roses and Mary here we go she is very present in my life. I was watching the "Life of bee's" movie which I hadn't seen for years. I forgot that from the beginning Angel Gabriel came down to Mary to tell her about her pregnancy the message was Mary on the bottle of honey. There are not accidents in this life contact reminders of letting us know that our Angels are here plus Mary. The roses are also that memory of the importance of it all plus our heart connection to the love that we need to keep focusing on. Today as I drove down the street getting ready for my client, turning the heat on in my office no rain but definitely cold, I saw 2 large Raven's (Magic) being feed by the garbage of some-ones showing that we will be provided for. In the Shamanic world we are given a message having to have the awareness to notice the signs is the teaching that separates the more in tune people knowing that we are being touched by the divine it is up to us to notice and keep our keen awareness in high alert. Right now we are given more messages wings rubbing up against us letting us know we are not alone they are here to give us guidance and genuine help we just need to ask keep and an open channel plus do our due diligence of good work, honesty, and kindness. 

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