Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Falling into Fall~
So this last summer is the summer of doing things I hadn't planned or even thought I wanted to do. Have you experienced that too? Some people talked about grief wondering if they were experiencing depression or just not feeling happy. I ended up going to the Marble Mountains a 8 mile hike, with Frank Thom/Walking Backwards for a fast 24-hour trip. I had wanted to have horses take in our gear, but we decided to take the trip ourselves with packs, in the heat of about 100 degrees. Here is the picture of me just looking thrilled, the trail is not an easy one especially with carrying gear. We arrived then planned to go to the ridge before dawn that was at least another 2 miles ups. We did make it before sunrise saying prayers for the world and his dad Charlie Thom, a native important time in honoring his passing. I experienced a rush of tears and sobbed I usually don't do this. It over took me prayers for the world and all those people that I have known through the years who have passed. Then going to our camp unable to find it feeling like I was in another dimension, having to ask for help from a wonderful couple to help me. We came out feeling very content that we made our commitment to those in spirit. So later that week was an annual Sweat Lodge in honor of Charlie, who I planned to visit my friends but possibly not sweat, there too I did another change in plans. There had started a huge fire at "Happy Camp" calling a close of the Sundance, so all the people who go to that ceremony arrived at the Sweat Lodge. The fires were over taking our area, with the threats to the whole county. Then unexpected David Quigley's Empowerment being held in Mc Cloud asking if I could help with it, he had a virus so for a couple days I jumped in not really being with David in years. It was amazing I realized I missed doing this work with him and his groups, we have made plans to do more in the future, it was another unexpected turn of events. I did get his virus so that made me lay low for a couple weeks. I had been taking some online, from Facebook: Christine Kloser, Liza Nichols, Jack Canfield, Nick Ortner, Callan Rush & Ryan Elison just to name a few, making it clear I do want to hang out with these type of folks. If that means write a book, doing more online seminars. I feel like I am more motivated but feeling so lucky to be in this times of being able to participate while sitting in my living room. I attempted to do lodge on the Equinox but between being sick and the smoke from the fires were so thick I could hardly see the store across the street, put our ceremony on hold. Then there was another sad but huge fire in Weed that effected 142 totally burned houses plus the community has been traumatized almost beyond words to express how sad it is. The community pulled together but still a month later still in shock. This week a young man was arrested. We finally had our lodge Sunday with prayers for all this plus gratitude for our lives, a huge summer still a bit hard to interpret more to come~
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
So Easter, Birthday's, and Eclipses?
Wow so much going on, where to start??? First We had 2 birthday's Mom's 85 and my son Zac 39! We arrived to my other son's Josh's to help in his yard, then off to birthday party at Chen's with cake and all for little kids first time in a restraunt with all the waiters singing, Happy Birthday! Stayed down went to dance class, hung out which now that the store is closed we are able to do so! Then the great Eclipse which for me was ok, but others shifted in a dramatic way. Yesterday was the last of the Eclipse still in throws of the Grand Cross till mid May....what do I feel about it?? Well last week was very wild I ended up with a suggestion for Questing which as of late I canceled due to not adequate support too hard of work for myself. Then vavoom this woman really wants to do it, I had a dream of doing a gather a lot less complicated gathering at a camp. Putting it out there potluck, singing, drumming around the firer on a Saturday evening then Sunday who ever wants to go out alone can all day or for as many hours as they want. I got amazing responce so I am moving forward with that possibly doing it 3 times this summer. I also received a bunch of wood last week, plus help build a lodge for gatherings down as Shasta Camp a delightful woman is bringing her group next weekend, then doing a Quest with them in New Mexico. So Steve Chase & I gathered willows, Cedar the camp asked me in a very powerful way if she could use my spot, which was very humbling for me. Of course I was delighted to have this blessed area opened once again! I had been down a while ago checking on my wood, rocks, and water feeling the spirits call so the call has been answered. Her group built a sweet lodge a bit different then my training but great none the less. Also I was gifted with lots of wood, so the sign is ceremony is happening. I went to the anniversary of Earth Circle on Earth Day at the Head Waters sang with friends and the big Earth Circle drum, Carla told the story of how Mario got the drum from Joel and Charlie had cut the tree down knowing this tree his whole life now here we are with 100 people honoring Charlie Thom's life singing our hearts out. I called Joel who is now home, but still recuperating he is able to stand for a few moments, he is definitely a miracle showing how prayers are answered, he isn't done with his work. Now preparing for our lodge on the 18th opening it up, plus gathering blankets for the camp so that it isn't necessary to carry back and forth blankets and supply's a hard way to continue.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
So after this long journey I am finding peace and solitude which is unfamiliar to me since the early 80's even then I had 2 small children. I have found my way with an inner journey feeling comfortable and finally rewarding. I started a new exercise/food program beachbody fix which has been good making those moves that working on by myself far harder but now following a program for a half hour is easy well not easy but goes fast then keeping up my normal spin routine & kickboxing; running (not so good with cold weather& wind) It has been a definite transition for me but feels like the Angels did protect us from more possible doom due to the lack of snow & bad weather; general tourist not here. I do feel that the inner guidance is really a miracle that we have been taken care of. I only feel free for the last 2 weeks after doing taxes with good news. Since the last year was so challenging in so many ways I received paper work that I was sure I filed in appropriate place but getting it all together then not have some paper work from 1998 gathering that yahoo it was all a success. I also was really pondering about the Quest which was on the books for Aug. 2-9 just not feeling it for many reasons, plus with Joel's accident not having him available. I had asked Stacey if she was interested she had helped for 5 yrs when I had Danial Foor but she seemed to not hear me or just avoid the whole conversation. I absolutely need a team to pull off something as grand as that. Doing it with Daniel he always seems to enroll very enthusiastic people who he some how could really delegate to do the work. Last time we moved the lodge up from the river the new caretakers were concerned about fire, so called the forest service saying we had to move it. It was actually easier because it was more central not needing shifts of people to sit by it. I just slept there to keep it burning and make sure there was no problem. So the long and short I was up in the air about it since Xmas then after Joel's accident certainly another sign that it wasn't happening. I did have a dream that I was in a rather large room with many people the conversation came up about having a potluck and drumming type of camp out then the next day everyone go out on a day Quest. I posted it on Facebook got a great response which showed me it would be fun. Starting a new dialogue around an easier approach to a small Quest that I could do 1 a month, so with that gave me the sign to cancel the other which I did.
I am doing Brene Brown's online course tomorrow I read her first book twice, until this week other then articles and various online documents I have not been driven to read so that changed too with the peace I am experiencing I am in deep gratitude for that. I am reading Daring Greatly which is inspiring me to think deeper, exactly where I am after this long workshop I call my life giving me guidance as to how my emotions sometimes work to get through the last drama. It is very good timing I am ready for it along with this new exercise program all very good timing opening up Pandora's box for me to delve into my own psychic reemergence feeling the power & getting guidance from my angels giving me drive. Realizing that this is the time I have been waiting for know that I need to have few distractions from what is birthing at this moment. I feel a drive to be around people who are exploring their own spiritual intellectual assistance to why we are here.
Getting back to some of my artist drive these are some of my bags I made to go with these drums, one for my son Zac & my grand-daughter Tessa, now making one for our newest addition Owen! Back to basics in this inward drive, diving deep!
I am doing Brene Brown's online course tomorrow I read her first book twice, until this week other then articles and various online documents I have not been driven to read so that changed too with the peace I am experiencing I am in deep gratitude for that. I am reading Daring Greatly which is inspiring me to think deeper, exactly where I am after this long workshop I call my life giving me guidance as to how my emotions sometimes work to get through the last drama. It is very good timing I am ready for it along with this new exercise program all very good timing opening up Pandora's box for me to delve into my own psychic reemergence feeling the power & getting guidance from my angels giving me drive. Realizing that this is the time I have been waiting for know that I need to have few distractions from what is birthing at this moment. I feel a drive to be around people who are exploring their own spiritual intellectual assistance to why we are here.
Getting back to some of my artist drive these are some of my bags I made to go with these drums, one for my son Zac & my grand-daughter Tessa, now making one for our newest addition Owen! Back to basics in this inward drive, diving deep!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Moving into Spring~
What is your practice? Do you meditate, journal, exercise, do affirmations or gratitude list what is your daily commitment to the new Now? Well I was pondering this as I sat watching the Monks finish up the Sand Mandala" Manjushri"(mandala of Wisdom). Now watching Brene Brown on Super Soul Sunday this is the life that I have made. I am starting Beachbody 21 program to get off my extra pounds so I can do more. I got that call from the gal who owns a condo in Kona I had let it go thinking it wasn't going to happen I had called over 6 wks ago thinking it is a sign of not happening then vavoom. What does this mean well it means I can achieve that 1/2 marathon in Kona, wow have to keep the running up more but now that I don't have the range of credit cards after this whole building/business night mare last year how do I get the plane paid for both Mom & I? Always a push to make the changes that are on my manifesting list! I also signed up for the next online class through Brene Brown starting the end of this month. I feel the push of moving forward still feeling a bit shaken after the war zone of last year but still moving forward no matter what. That is why I was thinking of What is your practice? What if I didn't have these tools I would feel very different these practices I know is what got me here pushing forward. I counsel this but with my spiritual clients often hear yes but you don't understand I am too tired too sad too empty to do this. I do have some that I applaud that not only do their practice but do it so enthusiastic they inspire me to do more for that I am in deep gratitude. So having still more limitations then I am happy with but knowing my drive has to be greater to achieve this run or anything the great news is I will stay in better physical, mental and spiritual shape to do so. Yesterday when I was with my coach for this diet plan she was saying various things about the program and I know didn't really understand my exercise drive thinking when I was saying I am doing a run ......actually 2 half marathons one in the Giant Redwoods then one in Kona plus last year doing 5 runs, yes I am slower then I would like but still striving to get faster and better. If you had asked me at this age would I do this at this age I would have been so perplexed thinking it would be a time of relaxing but it is not the case. When taking dinner up to the lama's we had this wonderful conversation about Wisdom this very subject on being an elder having so much to push to do, he said," We have the wisdom have much more to do during these times this is our job, our assignment we signed up for!" Still working on the emptiness being cautious of how much I do just in waiting for more messages!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
We never know what our future is, at any moment everything can change, this is life!
I want to write about this week, my friend Joel Brightbill fell asleep while driving hit a tree going 40 mph the air bags didn't open up, getting the news he was in very critical condition. I could feel his soul vacillate between worlds have Charlie Thom there holding the energy from the other side. I talked with his wife Pat knowing she had to have that conversation letting him know how much she loves him but could except his decision to either stay or love him on the other side. He has had numerous surgeries after his accident 5 days a go today is his day of rest then on to more surgeries, possibly going to Stanford Hospital for reconstruction on his face. As my friend Holly (powerful healer) says Joel is a 24 hr guy who is in service to do what ever it takes to help others. In this picture he is building my lodge before going to build Charlie Thom's last lodge on the Sacramento River. Our friendship has had many twists and turns, for over 20+years from being in the Marble Mountain Wilderness for many days doing ceremony in all kinds of situation in all kinds of wilderness. It is like people who are not accustom to the true wilderness the wildness of it make do not make elaborate altars. Joel knowing that mother earth is her own altar not needing many decorations but does like to be honored with respect and care. We would build a huge fire on the side of Spirit Lake almost feeling the power and strength of it roaring over our heads knowing that spirit created a safety that is beyond words or ability to even for us understand this is our altar our elements no frills just the real deal of water, earth, air and fire, feeling the spirit alive and respecting our work. He is an amazing person, he was going to take a few of us in this next summer in honor of the work we did there for many years, this saddens me that he will be in re-hab unable to do what he loves, knowing that in some ways it is our responsibility after Charlie Thom's passing to visit his altar in respect for him as a huge Medicine Man. Now all is up in the air for that journey?
Also a wonderful woman Donna May is in the thrills of her writing her long awaited book still sitting on the shelf waiting fore editing. She made available as she branches out in non traditional therapist way, dream weaver gave an invite to either do a phone call or Skpe for 30 mins. calling it "psyches call.' During the call I asked her what are we doing here, "I am here to support your dreams" I am still almost speechless realizing that she really is available to be just support in a kind magical way. The call was amazing I am still a bit uncomfortable to switch rolls I am usually the supporter, so to have her bid for supporting me has given me a new energy. To have Donna offer such generosity I not only appreciated her but trust in her sincerity and honesty which gives my soul the feeling of trust I have not had many offer so much. So that all being said, this week having that support I feel more positive and driven to know that in my emptiness the way will be made clear. " I also have been offered by 2 of my clients that want to help in anyway advanced guys for workshops or Quest they want to be included to do what ever necessary. I can feel the pot churning into an more apparent tapestry which having the store has not happened for quite a while except for Vision Questing.
Yesterday Mom & I went over to visit the Methodist Camp to check it out for the scheduled Vision Quest August 2-9, no snow, very little water. I am feeling the land calling to me I am waiting for the earth to give me a clear message of my next step with that land. I know the land there & have a deep relationship so wondering which way that will go. When I started with Joel's terrible accident he was going to do the teaching of building lodge, so with him in his condition plus the water, fire potential everything is up in the air for the time being.
Again Thank YOU Donna May plus my clients have been calling with such enthusiasm!
In this picture is Joel just before the last Lodge for Charlie Thom that night Charlie was taken to the hospital. Joel is always hard working great lodge leader!
Also a wonderful woman Donna May is in the thrills of her writing her long awaited book still sitting on the shelf waiting fore editing. She made available as she branches out in non traditional therapist way, dream weaver gave an invite to either do a phone call or Skpe for 30 mins. calling it "psyches call.' During the call I asked her what are we doing here, "I am here to support your dreams" I am still almost speechless realizing that she really is available to be just support in a kind magical way. The call was amazing I am still a bit uncomfortable to switch rolls I am usually the supporter, so to have her bid for supporting me has given me a new energy. To have Donna offer such generosity I not only appreciated her but trust in her sincerity and honesty which gives my soul the feeling of trust I have not had many offer so much. So that all being said, this week having that support I feel more positive and driven to know that in my emptiness the way will be made clear. " I also have been offered by 2 of my clients that want to help in anyway advanced guys for workshops or Quest they want to be included to do what ever necessary. I can feel the pot churning into an more apparent tapestry which having the store has not happened for quite a while except for Vision Questing.
Yesterday Mom & I went over to visit the Methodist Camp to check it out for the scheduled Vision Quest August 2-9, no snow, very little water. I am feeling the land calling to me I am waiting for the earth to give me a clear message of my next step with that land. I know the land there & have a deep relationship so wondering which way that will go. When I started with Joel's terrible accident he was going to do the teaching of building lodge, so with him in his condition plus the water, fire potential everything is up in the air for the time being.
Again Thank YOU Donna May plus my clients have been calling with such enthusiasm!
In this picture is Joel just before the last Lodge for Charlie Thom that night Charlie was taken to the hospital. Joel is always hard working great lodge leader!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Being in the Right Place @ the Right Time?
Cheryl Yambrach Rose art work is amazing, I am using this photo for my flower essence. Yesterday my friend Susan and I went over to hang out with her. I remember when I first saw her artwork so long ago now I am in her beautiful home seeing her preparation for her new deck it is breathe taking almost difficult to grasp the energy in her new painting then being supported by older work. I am still feeling the uplifting energy from being in her presence and her husband Toby's really powerful this life change. I am going with emptiness wanting for the sign filling up, letting emptiness just be. My friend Steve Bosch told me yesterday he is leaving here to return to Mesa Arizona Mt Shasta has given him many challenges and awakenings. I definitely feel that as he transition to where people know him, he needs to get out on stage more. I am disappointed we were going to do much plus he taught a writing class in Arizona but we can do it through email. He created my web site, now we are listing our products on Amazon, he will be miss. He also showed up to help me with lodge he just jumped in and did it which is a challenge for most even people who have done lodge for many years do not adopt what knowledge he did with ease. Who knows maybe this is my time to travel and do my work many places now that I don't have the store. I am getting guidance that is a definite possibility not knowing how that will be birthed. Listening to Cheryl and Toby's story telling getting the visuals of their adventures clicked in my consciousness of my own adventures while having the store staying more here.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Keep it moving raising our vibration and bucket lists!
It as usual is a wild hatter ride I was going to help my son when his wife is in Cambodia helping with 1400 orphanage kids fixing their teeth with a team of Dentist and assistant. Mom & I went down playing GG & Mom fixing meals taking my grand kids out for Chinese New Year to a place I went with my kids on Mother's Day many moons ago. Back down memory lane we were driving me, Zac, and Josh I was talking about how I wanted a new rose bush a pink one then miraculously this fellow came running across El Camino bent down handed me a pink rose saying, "Happy Mother's Day " . This is one of my stories I tell for my story telling being it is completely true. So this year Friday Feb. 7 I am taking my 2 grand-kids Owie who is 18 months, Tessa who is 4 1/2 to the same restaurant. It is pretty amazing these time the importance of showing up in good humor they were great. Having enough noodles and ice is the trick plus a great older guy waiter giving us what we needed as we needed it. It was an amazing time showing the importance of family and still going out of my way in my own shaman making medicine food keeping conversations light healing and fun. Plus the big plus is the winter Olympic's are on showing the disciple of the body and mind. I also have been determined to go to this new place I heard about it last year it just came to Stanford in Nov. so I had planned to be there at 6 am but it didn't work but I was able to go Sunday @ 2 with Kirk what an awesome fun workout plus the gals there were so nice. I even told them I needed help a gal helped put my cycle shoe in the slot something I have not done even though I go to spin. Now it is clear I need shoes for this when I go back. So you wonder what is my point well I made the connection to go to soul spin no matter what is going on the family then it is better for everyone I achieved an awesome goal made dinner lacking a need for attention after a grand workout! Jaime their Mom was back with all kinds of stories to tell my son who she only talked to and play with the kids, if I had not gone to spin I would have attempted to engage with her conversation more but I was full of fun from spending time with my son & kids & my Mom, spent from great exercise let them have their private time even though we were right there. Now back home planning my next shaman journey which in this stillness I feel a definitely transition is perking I feel I am just the observer watching myself go through knowing big changes are here. I am very clear the store closing was a definite God/Angel movement, plus feeling Angel Gabriel very present moving the energy in a profound way watching the change but not knowing where that is going. I am ready to get on that White Horse and ride into the at void what ever spirit is presenting~
Having more on my Vision Board and Bucket list this week, big ones do you think it can all happen????? Gosh wouldn't that be grand~ Believe the Believe is NOW~
Having more on my Vision Board and Bucket list this week, big ones do you think it can all happen????? Gosh wouldn't that be grand~ Believe the Believe is NOW~
Monday, February 3, 2014
Great Completion and New Beginnings!
Saturday night I went to a party in Woodside for Daniel Foor & his gal Sarah being invited with the drive knowing I needed to show up for myself. I also knew I wanted to be there to wish his journey blessings. I drove round trip 700 miles once again following my guidance the feeling of being in the right place at the right time, now that I have been invited to this great Celebration of this beautiful couple he is moving to North Carolina. I enjoy my drive with my shamanic clarity as I drive, then deciding the easiest way to pick up roses would be to go Costco in Foster City thinking that would be the most direct on my way to San Carlos. I arrived at Costco seeing lots of people not thinking about Super Bowl oh my there was probably 20+ people in line but I still felt the importance of bringing a gift for these beautiful host Andy & Becky having a luscious beautiful home, knowing what wonderful hosts they are. I also spotted some heart shaped cookies knowing that this ceremony is a heart connection. I left after standing with people I saw a women try on an exercise lavender jacket across that looked awesome on her. I could see she was puzzled at the length of the sleeves then she walked pass me to put it back, I told her how super she looked and the sleeves is a new style then I saw her change her mind keeping the jacket. Often we think we have little em-pack on people but here is an example that maybe part of me being in Costco was to support her in her choice for the jacket. I then left staying with my friend Ricki sat visited with her then off to the party. I arrived there were maybe 60 people I handed the roses and cookies to Andy of course the house is beautiful I took the flowers and hearts into the kitchen knowing that they would arrange this at a later moment. Daniel introduced me to Sara, had a wonderful conversation with her knowing this a is a strong solid relationship which is confirming this move. I looked around the room several of the people here I have had very close relationships with being that he and I co/facilitated Quest for 5 yrs knowing the inner working of so many of these folks. I visited with several also finding that most just wanted really light conversation yet me feeling the depth of each of those I have been involved with in a more intimate level. Andy & Becky welcomed everyone into their lovely home with caterers and servers with excellent food, actually spectacular but of course with their taste one would only know excellence is happening. Then later in the evening Daniel and Sara are making an announcement to see Daniel is moving down to his knee to ask Sarah to marry him, she says,"Yes," such a sweet moment to be part of. After that everyone is just quiet with camera's clicking I left mine in my car along with my purse with my cards.(not so smart some nice guy wants card) I know I have missed everyone but after the last couple of years being pre-occupied with the working of the store and our own personal life. My feeling of myself reemerging into this group, a certain sadness of the disconnect but then feeling a real re-connection. I have been hesitant to write about it all not because it wasn't spectacular but till now as I write I am interpreting this as I write. Know that some of these people I will have a more intimate connection knowing I am more available. I felt that I needed to leave in a quiet silent way, following my guidance that my time was done not for any reason but I was complete. I arrived to sit and chat with Ricki knowing that also was my place, which was equally as important to spend quality time with her once again I felt I was once again in the right place at the right time.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Little touch from the Angels, Mary, and Raven's!
So my friend Jen Reich
poet was talking about roses and Mary here we go she is very present in my life. I was watching the "Life of bee's" movie which I hadn't seen for years. I forgot that from the beginning Angel Gabriel came down to Mary to tell her about her pregnancy the message was Mary on the bottle of honey. There are not accidents in this life contact reminders of letting us know that our Angels are here plus Mary. The roses are also that memory of the importance of it all plus our heart connection to the love that we need to keep focusing on. Today as I drove down the street getting ready for my client, turning the heat on in my office no rain but definitely cold, I saw 2 large Raven's (Magic) being feed by the garbage of some-ones showing that we will be provided for. In the Shamanic world we are given a message having to have the awareness to notice the signs is the teaching that separates the more in tune people knowing that we are being touched by the divine it is up to us to notice and keep our keen awareness in high alert. Right now we are given more messages wings rubbing up against us letting us know we are not alone they are here to give us guidance and genuine help we just need to ask keep and an open channel plus do our due diligence of good work, honesty, and kindness.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Moving into the New Moon Shift
So you probably are wondering now that life has settled down what is it like? Ho-hum well emptiness feels completely different though there is much to complete, yesterday I started to clean up my Quick Books for taxes another mess, seeing how my data entry was as confused as I was all year. I feel some what relieved then going through my accounts I could feel the depth of the drama. I am very lucky to have people who were backing me up for that I truly grateful. As we move into the emptiness of the New Moon feeling the void of activity or dive inward isn't as comfortable as one would hope. I have several books that I am ready to read? but not finding it. I am struck with suffering the need to give support when I can. I had a dream last night of Grandma me sitting on her lap, she rubbing me loving me, telling me how worth it I am. I got up thanking her seeing a mother beating on her son, he came over to me I told him I would pray for him. I was struck by the suffering wounding that is part of the human consciousness the importance of working in service of giving in our small way what we can. These are 2 links I have been sending around to help define what is going on, plus the importance of Stop it by Bob Newhart easier said then done I spent the whole year and yesterday practicing it sometimes better then others.
Stop It!!

Karen Abler Carrasco ~ 2014 – The Year of the Yang Wood Horse
January 11 2014 (Thanks, Constance) There might not be a bigger shift
of energies in the entire 60 year wheel of Chinese astrology than this o
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Wondering into the flute of our Angel!
Ok after writing my current blog I have had some wonderful connections with people being there knowing where we are at now. I am looking forward to jumping in with more clarity and have more fun/JOY! What I like best is most have read between the lines without being negative, getting what a walk on the wild side it was knowing the shift is past our human experience. This helps get ready for the New Year understanding what in the hell that last 2 yrs was about. We are being visited by the Angelic realm more then we know just having their support on so many levels, they are showing up in a big way plus our ancestors are here to help too! What I forgot to say is I have this Rock that I have had since I started the Magic book almost 2 yrs ago,"Just before going to sleep tonight, hold my magic rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day. Yesterday I had 3 special moments, which before going to dream land gives me joy of what my life is really about.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Happy New Year 2014~
I didn't write last year much it was a challenging year full of twists and turns. I do not want to write about the continuous dramas that were moving through the whole year. I do want to tell you I participated in the most expensive workshop I have ever enrolled in. It was a process to stay positive with every change or phone call. I call this my choice of not telling another sad story over & over but decided that served no purpose. Actually Mom moved in with me with ease after God pushed her to move forward. God has had an interesting hand in all the changes. The great process we knew that without a doubt we were not in charge trusting Creators choices often not quite understanding as they rolled along. I do want to thank those who were my continual support. I kept my conversations as light as possible, or nothing about our situation from April on. I would run with my running partner chatting about other things I am grateful for the flowing friendship. I would go to spin with my regular group 2-3 times a week which kept me sane & kick boxing. I am happy I don't drink that would have pushed me over the brink, (thinking about what Anne Lamont would say in the arm pit of life) By August everything had heated up and my son's wedding was looming in so Mom & I made up our mind to focus on the wedding to keep the JOY flowing for Josh & Lyndsey not uttering a word about the climax that was roaring in the back round. We came to Lyndsey's Mom to help prepare the food which was such a blessings and help with the flowers. Once the morning of the wedding Sept. 21 arrived there was rain, then a down pour focusing on how we could help was the main menu. The wedding came off in grand style people exclaiming it was the best wedding they had been at. In the pictures I look strained no matter how it is often it shows. In the spring I talked with my friend real estate Philip York he said I was handling this crazy situation pretty well but then once I received a foreclosure notice I contacted him he once again encouraged me to go with a short sale? I was clueless after all the weird turns in the road this year. Which was great our bank guy Chris went along with it, Philip did a lot of necessary negotiations. I had a first offer they did every inspection necessary, even had a guy come who did it not even know guessing or recognizing our sump pumps with the french drain, they backed out out which were immediately came an offer from Dean & LuLu Blackburn who were thrilled to get our treasure unique building planning to put an antique store. My prayer was we would be out by 12-20. I had rented an office in September @ 407 Mt Shasta Blvd., Healing Waters so my wonderful clients were already comfortable with the change. One of our family traditions was going to the Nutcracker at the Opera House in San Francisco which was planned on the 12-15 with my daughter in-law and grand-daughter which was awesome. We arrived back Tuesday 12-17 at noon starting our closing sale. Then Wednesday lower our percentage it was really such a wonderful experience people bought gifts for Xmas that they normally wouldn't be able to afford but at this discount were very sweet and happy. There was a senior friend who bought makings for cleansing knowing without this huge discount she couldn't afford the items. Thursday we had awesome help from Ken Abbot taking over all that needed to move leaving some boxes he thought I would need. In that afternoon Steve Chase came helping pack up some of our large bottles bringing them home, putting them in those boxes Ken left, it was such a relief to finally be at this finish line. Giving books to Humane Society, New 2 U, and new books to Village Books. Then Friday coming in doing finishing touches, giving the keys over at high noon. The unfortunate thing is we were both sick but still felt ok through this.
So you ask how did I keep positive well I wrote my gratitude list #3109, using the Magic Book as much as possible, meditation each and every morning knowing to keep the flow of positive was absolutely necessary and I can use this process with my clients knowing it works, also understanding at a soul level the discipline this all takes. Plus the continual exercise program no matter what of course eating well too!
Actually it feels good to complete this 12 year journey being open to the next chapter. Mom is continuing our online store, then we had to redesign our web site which is completed which Steven Bosch helped but by being sick I had planned to complete it earlier but just couldn't happen. I am continuing my coaching, readings and planning Vision Quest for this year weather permitting. My running partner & I last year ran 5 races, this year plan to increase those by a few, started my new Vision Board that is still a work in progress, making magic now.
So you ask how did I keep positive well I wrote my gratitude list #3109, using the Magic Book as much as possible, meditation each and every morning knowing to keep the flow of positive was absolutely necessary and I can use this process with my clients knowing it works, also understanding at a soul level the discipline this all takes. Plus the continual exercise program no matter what of course eating well too!
Actually it feels good to complete this 12 year journey being open to the next chapter. Mom is continuing our online store, then we had to redesign our web site which is completed which Steven Bosch helped but by being sick I had planned to complete it earlier but just couldn't happen. I am continuing my coaching, readings and planning Vision Quest for this year weather permitting. My running partner & I last year ran 5 races, this year plan to increase those by a few, started my new Vision Board that is still a work in progress, making magic now.
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December 15, 2013 Nutcracker San Francisco Opera House |
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