Monday, January 10, 2011

Movement for the New Year!

Daily Life: Cosmic Rose on Earth
A good idea, today, may be a real good day, to look in, and into a mirror, standing. And see a capivatingly beautiful soft Pink Rose of the Universal Wisdom any way you wish to See It. As you. Being one. Together Standing in the Light of: The Love, anchored within-and from the center of the Earth. Using you as Its out breathing vehicle and Affecting Millions and Millions of, well, everything.
I AM the Cosmic Rose, the Action of Divine Love now transforming Humanity, instantly. Beloved I Am
Now this is today's quote from my friend Yoj Chase who sends wonderful saying around from the Divine each day. He has a new book out "Street Wise Ascension" we carry at the store.
Sooooooooo this beginning of the New Year has definitely a powerful movement energy, more is on the horizon each day. I can't remember a year when so much is birthing so soon. By the 7 th of this month the first 2 months has many plans of showing up in profound ways. I feel our dreams are coming into fruition without much effort. Most people know one of my medicines is doing Vision Boards/Dream Boards 3 of my clients told me that they were working on theirs on New Year's eve so that prompted me to get mine out. What I have realized that this year it no longer works to paste and glue from the subconscious we must be very present in what we want to manifest. The ability to create miracles are very real and present, however we have to surrender and trust that the angels, guides, and ancestor's know what they are doing by making us aware of the presence. This last month ancestor's of mine and other's were making themselves very present saying you can't forget me. As we are moving into the New Year when on the winter Solstice of the 13 Grandmother's Grandmother Beatrice spoke of honoring your instruments taking good care of them. I am being guided to tell you what ever is your medicine to take care in taking care of them with greater honor and keeping them in a good place.
Now the pink rose has great meaning for me many years ago I was with my boys who were quite little we were on our way to Chef Chou's on Mother's Day. I said I wanted a pink rose meaning a rose bush then being at the intersection of San Antonio Road the man came running with a pink rose saying, " Happy Mother's Day.' This to me means the Divine is here with just a thought, plus being the Grand Divine of the Universe. I also use roses in my Sweat lodge in the water, if I have them in my yard I choose the color that most fits the theme of the lodge. If I don't have my own I buy them again focusing on the color that needs to manifest with our lodge. I also sell some Flower Essenes in our store of flowers I have a relationship with.
In closing for this year the work is staying positive, doing affirmations keep the energy rising feeling the blessings of Gratitude. Writing those Gratitude lists as often as need that is my prescription for 2011. (Also keep the excercise rolling to clear limitations or blocks, plus you will feel better physically & emotionally! AHO)

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