This autumn has been spectacular with the color change. Last year the leaves fell off the trees after a heavy rain, this year they are hanging on in their beauty and color. The reminder that we are letting go at a slow rate, not to say it is a light process. Actually this year is a bigger process of letting go of those people and drama's that do not work towards the light of the I am presence our mission in this life. Life I say to clients/friends I thought I would be younger but these times is my contract to what ever is necessary to raise not only my vibration but my strength with running, cutting wood what ever it takes for the next step. So that comes to 11:11 I started my first date with it in 1991 at Stoney Brook Lodge a meditation with Sally Moon, since then I have done so many ceremony's including a pipe ceremony when my house closed in 1996 on that date so here we are. Yesterday there was a huge meditation that is continuing for 11 days to hold the light vibration. It is absolutely essential to bless your homes with light, violet flame, incense, sage as well as your business to keep the vibratory rate high. Also getting back to the physical people are showing their true colors, which is often a surprise plus mean spirited. Just remember it is a natural cleaning out process to draw those energetic people that are your team for this huge change it is historic for healer/avatars/teachers none can be compared in this time frame. So my suggestion is to keep positive no matter what, exercise, meditate, and laugh a lot. Don't take this stupid, mean, political behavior too seriously we have bigger fish to fry and we are.
Yesterday a group of very cool young people threw the door open to our store saying Happy 11:11, enlightened being with such an awesome attitude, another woman from Australia to be here for the 11:11, some guys from Grass Valley who paint, really confirmation of our roll in our store such a beautiful day. I am grateful for these beings that visit us and spend their money with joy. I know in my heart of hearts this is why we have spent so much energy, money and time, now all we need is our next step to consolidate our finances that made it possible for us to stay open in the most drastic of situations knowing we were to do whatever it takes to continue to be here. We have achieved that with honor, oh yes there are some who say nasty negative things but that is the dark that is always around, so I pray for them. I want to thank all of those good souls who have supported us by coming in and checking how we are doing thanking us as they leave for being here. I also want to thank those spirits that beckon people from highway 5 or from our building calling people to enter they do not go unnoticed with deep gratitude in honoring the unseen forces.
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