Tuesday, August 5, 2008

After the Vision Quest 2008

What a great summer, everything is being revealed........wow the group was awesome. Drake made a web site ! Thank YOU!

Shows the great bunch of support, Questers and fabulous kitchen nurturer. We had Joel who is a master at building sweat lodge a bit of a quirky story teller. The odd thing was the smoke that made it almost impossible to see Mt Shasta, but everything else was as smooth as silk. Daniel and I get on in an interesting way, love doing it with him, he lets me be me and I hope I do the same for him. What I found interesting is some had not been to the Head Waters or at Panther Meadows, which is a wonder in itself.
It is a time where people are showing their true colors, as the eclipse rolls around we are clearing the unnecessary garbage in our lives once again. With this new age we thought it would be different but we are raising our vibration to new heights and those who can't hold the energy are going into a different room, we continue to hold the light for them also. It is an amazing time some things are coming so easily and effortless, help is here. I can remember doing our work in the early 80's there was fewer people who understood what is going on. We are the ones that they were talking about some of us are older then we thought we would be but still some of the younger are there with us holding the energy with enthusiasm that only the young have. It is important for them to be idealistic to maintain the change that is necessary. It is a new day which is very exciting we can't let the dark/negative let us determine our future.

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