Wow so much going on, where to start??? First We had 2 birthday's Mom's 85 and my son Zac 39! We arrived to my other son's Josh's to help in his yard, then off to birthday party at Chen's with cake and all for little kids first time in a restraunt with all the waiters singing, Happy Birthday! Stayed down went to dance class, hung out which now that the store is closed we are able to do so! Then the great Eclipse which for me was ok, but others shifted in a dramatic way. Yesterday was the last of the Eclipse still in throws of the Grand Cross till mid May....what do I feel about it?? Well last week was very wild I ended up with a suggestion for Questing which as of late I canceled due to not adequate support too hard of work for myself. Then vavoom this woman really wants to do it, I had a dream of doing a gather a lot less complicated gathering at a camp. Putting it out there potluck, singing, drumming around the firer on a Saturday evening then Sunday who ever wants to go out alone can all day or for as many hours as they want. I got amazing responce so I am moving forward with that possibly doing it 3 times this summer. I also received a bunch of wood last week, plus help build a lodge for gatherings down as Shasta Camp a delightful woman is bringing her group next weekend, then doing a Quest with them in New Mexico. So Steve Chase & I gathered willows, Cedar the camp asked me in a very powerful way if she could use my spot, which was very humbling for me. Of course I was delighted to have this blessed area opened once again! I had been down a while ago checking on my wood, rocks, and water feeling the spirits call so the call has been answered. Her group built a sweet lodge a bit different then my training but great none the less. Also I was gifted with lots of wood, so the sign is ceremony is happening. I went to the anniversary of Earth Circle on Earth Day at the Head Waters sang with friends and the big Earth Circle drum, Carla told the story of how Mario got the drum from Joel and Charlie had cut the tree down knowing this tree his whole life now here we are with 100 people honoring Charlie Thom's life singing our hearts out. I called Joel who is now home, but still recuperating he is able to stand for a few moments, he is definitely a miracle showing how prayers are answered, he isn't done with his work. Now preparing for our lodge on the 18th opening it up, plus gathering blankets for the camp so that it isn't necessary to carry back and forth blankets and supply's a hard way to continue.