Friday, December 28, 2012
Opening to Love, Healing and HEART energy!
Could anyone imagine that we would be in such a profound time of unity due to such a tragedy Newcastle Connecticut? We are moving into new era of Solstice for 20-21-22, 2012 many things have been predicted but the universal is Love making a commitment to be in love energy for those days, is that possible to keep ourselves that directed to positive thought no matter what? What I also find amazing that on so many broadcast news, people are opening with prayer, even with the 911 it was not as common. I also see the parents, children, friends sharing at such a profound level how this has effected each person. So in our preparation for this coming time we are forced to feel seeing news Castor's praying, priests and common folks. Isn't it beautiful to understand the power of prayer. I feel this year has been such a transition into the reality of new Now. I feel so lucky to be in a town with so many spiritual practises available. Last week on 12-12 I went to Kirtan with Sahadev there were 28 people with this beautiful altar and great songs. I looked around feeling very blessed to be in such a place with little or no energy on my part. This next week was expecting so much and so many however the Mountain had other ideas a blizzard. The main highway was closed off & on for 4 days so those people planning to be on the mountain couldn't make it town nor with the blizzard the lower gate to the mountain was closed. I went to meditation on Sunday 12-23, Mom, me, and Pursha laughing at the joke of the mountain is in charge. I have experienced so many challenges, joys, confusion to even begin to understand I am not in charge in the spiritual journey here in Mt. Shasta. So now we are approaching the New Year, looking outside there are snow flurries, snow on the road actually quite white and beautiful for the rise in energy making most of us stay put dive deep inside. I have had some wonderful clients who are driven to be here and really are high beings I feel blessed to have such wonderful souls. I know in my heart of hearts the time we are gathering our tribe I feel blessed to be in such contact with such amazing people. As a store we have celebrated our 10 yr anniversary which was in June but now moving to a more financially stable position, plus having to re-fi which I am praying goes without a hitch. I guess we qualify for one of the Presidents new loans? We are just waiting for our appraisal which hopefully comes in at a right price? One never knows with the current economy. I know Mom & I both want to focus on our wonderful customers from all over the world being able to have more stock, more gatherings, more that being said we are having a prayer list with our local Pyramid Omaran saying prayers for the week from Xmas Eve till New Years Eve Having this store we have used every practise and modality to insure our own spiritual journey, supporting those we can plus letting go of those that are unwilling or unable to understand our journey some who regard themselves as very spiritual beings however limited they are. We still keep them in our prayers most can't understand what it is to have a small store during these times, after our work often we just go home to be quiet to regenerate our own soul. Mom & I feel at a loss sometimes not being able to replenish supplies as quickly as we would like to or to pay vendors as the bill comes in. I have to say our Vendors I am in gratitude for their support and understanding blessing them for that. So with the changes we are feeling in our hearts and moving into a time of understanding that has been predicted but still not quite understandable yet. So if you are reading this you are the ones they were talking about you are here to be part of this Grand time, thank you!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Eclipse, Full Moon, Divine Feminine,Knights Templar
As we move into this magic are you having magic? Do you feel the shift that is unexplainable. People ask me what am I doing. Each time I seem to make a plan I am not sure where or what I need to do and with whom? At first I thought oh do a 24 hour drumming I approached a few people only to find if I do by myself it, but I feel this energy it is necessary to be a joint effort. Check out she has some great plans that make sense to me with the light energy an important part to be part of. I know various people are gathering here for big gathering, but still unsure of who that is? As a business we find out by word of mouth. I have suggested that the Chamber should have a disclaimer but a list of events for each group so not only other people would know but we would know also. This picture for me tells it all the merging of ancient knowledge with the divine feminine finally all coming together in a powerful but subtle way. I think people are hoping to be blown into the light however this energy is so light bound that it is acting like an extracting that which no longer fits pulling it out of each of use to bring back our own knowledge and sparkling energy while still going through the challenges of our earth struggles. I like those who are offering encouragement and upliftment not the dooms day astrology or any negative haven't we had that enough? It is such a powerful time we said we would do it now is our time, be willing to do our part take up the staff or drum, be that speaker or out there person to carry the energy necessary for the changes that are upon us. We work very hard to keep the Angels, Monks, Sages, Brother-hood around our store keeping what negativity we can at bay so that when people come in they feel the upliftment and energy necessary for healing. The only problem with that is they do but often are unwilling or unable to buy anything, which doesn't really help with our economic necessities. We use to have a wonderful man who would come in saying I am buying to help with the rent, which he would spend at least $100 but he disappeared maybe because at times our supplies were low I don't know. We love our customers, those who just need healing and comfort we are definitely available. Lets just hang on tight to the energy decree what is in our hearts opening feel the love, compassion, and opening in such a deep human sensitive way, welling up with tears for what humanity has been going through for ages our time has shifted to the New Now, don't loose sight of that no matter what your human challenges are. Great Spirit is also encouraging that the change is here keep on trucking to the light of the divine. Drunvalo Melchizedek is also one who is very positive to the times that are upon us. We have had several folks come in the store that were on their way to his seminar in Sedona it is like they put their head in our door to let us know they are off to see him. I spent a week with him at Jeckle Island in the 1995 or so with other wonderful teachers Braden, Kenyon, Cornish, Stevens and Page it rocked preparing for where we are now. I bought a tee shirt white with turquoise Remember so here we are! I also want to thank Susan Holtzclaw for this picture, we had Ganesha but this replaced it with the Divine, plus the Templar reemergence knowledge thank you for this!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Eclipse 11-11 moving toward 12-21-2012
I haven't written for too long, so what are you contributing to this new NOW? Seems like more are awake ready for the appearance of Angels, manifestation, creation, using the common thought of meditation. Are you meditating? Exercising?Praying? Preparing for this time? It seems like the movement of our heart opening is so grand and profound now. Watching touching movements feeling the tears well up in our eyes is so powerful knowing something big is happening. We have new modalities of spiritual awareness with the new channels like Own creating a venue for media spiritual awareness in your own home by watching these awesome teaching in your own living room there is no longer any reason not to be touched by the spiritual knockings, plus the media. We create our own reality being with ourselves and being present with our family, friends, and those we touch passing through. I am very aware of how many are opting to leave as well. I feel very lucky to be part of the movement of these changes finally, I just thought I would be younger. I have been doing these practises since in my 20's finally it is a common talking. As I watch Own they are talking about early meditation, practise I took my 2 sons with me they have been meditating since they were very little. So do they do it now, no not at the moment. They were here in Mt Shasta at the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 with my Mom's first visit to here as well. It is only a matter of time when they will be once again be enlightened. They have been around some of the most profound Native teachers Charlie Thom/ Red Hawk plus many others. I feel very blessed to be part of the movement very early. I paid a price of being ridiculed and at risk for my beliefs back when getting a divorce not a lot of people doing these practises but now it is main stream which it is time. I see this time as powerful of the predictions but I am rather surprised at this week there are not as many people visiting this mountain as I would expect. Last year on the 11-11 there were lots of wonderful people here, with the eclipse and all going on I thought there would be many? I am hoping that from here on we as a town are enlightened by the mass so our town is blessed with many people going in our stores understanding what is really so powerful here.
My friend Steve & I moved the wood we piled in readiness for next year's Quest. This year we found we had to move our site due to the fires that were around. The wood had been piled neatly by my Mom, 3 of us carrying it in wheel barrels then to find we were not using it. My concern was when the rains started it would be washed down stream not a good omen for the gift of wood. The first year doing the Quest here I had to cut, chain saw, have a crew for gathering then when the camp offered to provide the wood I am in deep gratitude so I don't want to miss use this gift. So Steve offered to help me pile the wood in a whole Mother nature provides behind a fallen tree, plus move our rocks that were gathered for the lodge. It is very important to honor the importance of the natural resources that are provide, disrespectful to not take care of this. I felt fortunate to have help once again, it flowed quickly and full of humor as we moved the wood with joy. I also found it interesting that we are already in preparation for next year which is a first. Lots of people don't really understand the importance of these signs of ceremony which we must follow the signs and the importance of respect to these lessons.
My friend Steve & I moved the wood we piled in readiness for next year's Quest. This year we found we had to move our site due to the fires that were around. The wood had been piled neatly by my Mom, 3 of us carrying it in wheel barrels then to find we were not using it. My concern was when the rains started it would be washed down stream not a good omen for the gift of wood. The first year doing the Quest here I had to cut, chain saw, have a crew for gathering then when the camp offered to provide the wood I am in deep gratitude so I don't want to miss use this gift. So Steve offered to help me pile the wood in a whole Mother nature provides behind a fallen tree, plus move our rocks that were gathered for the lodge. It is very important to honor the importance of the natural resources that are provide, disrespectful to not take care of this. I felt fortunate to have help once again, it flowed quickly and full of humor as we moved the wood with joy. I also found it interesting that we are already in preparation for next year which is a first. Lots of people don't really understand the importance of these signs of ceremony which we must follow the signs and the importance of respect to these lessons.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Fall Equinox/Earth Day
It is hard to believe I haven't written since July so much has happened in 2012. Some of what is happening is much different then most would expect for the illuminating year, many challenges, many changes. I had a successful Vision Quest, plus already posting for next year. Being that leader I too have quest issues, last minute had to change our site due to fires going on all around. It actually was closer to the cabin which made everything easier, however for a few hours a melt down for me. Once I was able regain my understanding of how spirit works then I could go with the flow. I had made great strides to be ahead of the group by having friends our cook David F. and Steve move an amazing amount of wood & rocks to our former site, so to find out I could use it that was part of the problem realizing my plans of being a head were not happening. It is lots of energy and work David & Steve did it with great humor and being completely there. Cedar who is the camp caretaker was suppose to help however had sprained her ankle but did give us water & peaches. David F & I went shopping to Redding before quest going to 3 stores to get our food, plan our menu, he was amazing shopping like I do. We arrived back in Mt Shasta at 12:30 pm. He was a humorous cook plus very willing to do anything I asked carried rocks you name it.
Friday, July 27, 2012
2012's Journey
It has been way too long for me to write, why I don't know. We have been journeying in a rather odd way, people have been so excited about this shift but finding it more challenging then expected once again. I was talking to a woman yesterday who was here in Mt Shasta at the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 remembering the great expectation for now. She has been wanting to live here but hasn't found an opening maybe this year. For me this year is a certain clearing with as our 10 yr. of having the store feeling very much a new beginning. Mom had a fractured vertebrae which took her to surgery, so her recuperation was long, me having once again more responsibility. Plus after a especially hard winter, spring due to economy, managing to pay bills to our vendors, or explaining we would get to it as quickly as humanly possible. Some of our vendors are so kind I want to say blessings to them. So having my Quest posted so early it too felt like it was a hard start for many reasons but is definitely in the flow. I am actually excited about our group of professionals, it is a small group but mighty. So it feels like our town is marching on with a bit more optomism even the woman chatting with me was saying the migration of people will be big. We have my Mom's condo for sale after her challenge, plus having 3 mortgages it seems like the simple solution to many things. I being busy can use the help with my house and yard. I love having 2 beautiful gardens which take much time but worth it, so having her help will be great. Now when I work with clients with cleanses or general individual work they can stay at a few places that are very close and not expensive. I love doing this private work. This last year I had 2 one in Dec. and another in January. Between Vison Boards, snow shoeing, exercising, going to meditation, cleansing, journeying, massage, it is awesome. So on top of it all we needed to purchase a new version of Intuit or our credit cards purchases wouldn't go through, by the end of this month. So all new beginnings it is even fairly easy, but there is still a learning curve as all programs have. I am happy to be in charge of the Quest though appreciative of doing it in the past with Daniel Foor bringing different people that are amazing. The only thing is after doing Quest me being a facilitator and elder I am accustom to having follow ups. After holding space for people there is an intimacy that continues. I keep the prayer going for my people I have prayed for. Most don't understand it but I ran into a client who I had a few session with we were at the ATM she thanked me for my work. I told her how glad I was to run into her, for the continued prayers, she understood which is great. I am happy this year I have had wonderful people from other country's which some how they are hearing about my work. I feel very grateful for the blessings I have been receiving, thank you , thank you, thank you! I also need to be more available with Skye, plus maybe do a monthly utube teaching I am moving towards that. I am also using new labels on my flower essence which Cheryl Rose has graced me to use, love her work. This weekend is the gathering for Charlie Thom's 84 birthday at the head of the Sacramento River, it had to be canceled due to bad weather in the spring, so now it is here. I think of the many times also being with him in the Marble Mountains when he said," When you do Quest's you will do it your way," not really understanding at the time. Then sharing facilitating with TuBears, I have continued to do it much the same of what she & I did. I always think of her & sitting by the fire sharing Shaman/Medicine stories for that I am grateful. So the change is upon us we just need to set boundary's of what is important to move forward with intention and expect Miracles! A Ho!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Mt Shasta Quest Aug.19-26, 2012
Mt Shasta Quest Aug.19-26, 2012
Prices: Questers $950-$1150 10 limited we already have 2 confirmed
Supporters: $700 10 limit (nonrefundable upon registration $250)
Make your commitment to this Golden Era by Questing in one of the most Sacred Areas! Theme for beginning 2012 as preparation for this special time, intention, understanding the unique initiation that Quest offers being out in nature to help in our evolution of why are we here NOW or to heal past traumas. I can never predict what will come up once you commit starts a very personal process. What are your unique gifts to this Era of Now?
Linda M Held has been doing Quests since 1991 at various areas in Mt Shasta, Marble Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains.
Require to be focused with intention meeting either in person or conference calls or skype, prayer ties for each of the 7 directions, preparation for fasting, collecting willows for your space you will be in for 4days and 3 nights. Methodist Camp is the location for the sixth year. The ancestors, spirits know our presence and welcome our group each year.
A unique experience of collecting willows, building sweat lodge, preparing for the ceremony, attending various teachers running lodge, then going out on the land for 3 nights and 4 days. Coming in Saturday morning for lodge, after being out with yourself, continued ceremony with sacred food of buffalo, berries, and corn as your first food after you have offered your prayers to Mother Earth. Then once the ceremony is complete we then break down camp putting this area back to the way we found it. Clearing any debris thanking the land. It is a gift to see this complete.
Supporters experience deep teaching while supporting our Questers plus being in camp for teachings around the fire and lodge, understanding the work it takes to do such ceremony of this intensity. Individual lessons, plus understanding skills of working this closely with a community needing to work as a team with all these challenges. We provide food for those days, camping in a beautiful area. Supporters have the opportunity to their own individual process while in camp and being part of the Quest each day.
Prices: Questers $950-$1150 10 limited we already have 2 confirmed
Supporters: $700 10 limit (nonrefundable upon registration $250)
Make your commitment to this Golden Era by Questing in one of the most Sacred Areas! Theme for beginning 2012 as preparation for this special time, intention, understanding the unique initiation that Quest offers being out in nature to help in our evolution of why are we here NOW or to heal past traumas. I can never predict what will come up once you commit starts a very personal process. What are your unique gifts to this Era of Now?
Linda M Held has been doing Quests since 1991 at various areas in Mt Shasta, Marble Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains.
Require to be focused with intention meeting either in person or conference calls or skype, prayer ties for each of the 7 directions, preparation for fasting, collecting willows for your space you will be in for 4days and 3 nights. Methodist Camp is the location for the sixth year. The ancestors, spirits know our presence and welcome our group each year.
A unique experience of collecting willows, building sweat lodge, preparing for the ceremony, attending various teachers running lodge, then going out on the land for 3 nights and 4 days. Coming in Saturday morning for lodge, after being out with yourself, continued ceremony with sacred food of buffalo, berries, and corn as your first food after you have offered your prayers to Mother Earth. Then once the ceremony is complete we then break down camp putting this area back to the way we found it. Clearing any debris thanking the land. It is a gift to see this complete.
Supporters experience deep teaching while supporting our Questers plus being in camp for teachings around the fire and lodge, understanding the work it takes to do such ceremony of this intensity. Individual lessons, plus understanding skills of working this closely with a community needing to work as a team with all these challenges. We provide food for those days, camping in a beautiful area. Supporters have the opportunity to their own individual process while in camp and being part of the Quest each day.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
What Next?
Here we are in the beginning of this 2012 wondering what is that is all about? The excitement over the New Year then a radical change into a deeper experience of what or how do I want to participate? Is my roll a quiet inner journey or am I suppose to be more visible? I know various teachers have been asked the question of depression when actually it is that drive of what is our destiny feeling we should have the answer. We have so blessed with so many teachers that are out there giving us the encouragement to keep keeping on even when we don't know our answers. I also see our examination of our past like Patrica Robles talks about the last 25 yrs now coming out into a more blessed time, healing all those past issues or attempting to understand the journey of suffering. I know there are great teacher saying let it go and figure our what is it? I really really want to do______ this is what "Eat Pray Love" author said on Oprah's show. I have asked my clients that same question for them to have the freedom of thinking out side the box is definitely a push for all of us during this economy however I understand the importance of the freedom it is. Then we have Dr. Phil & Dr. Drew addressing these human issues with the education of the particular dysfunction in order to heal and let go. We have divine souls that are doing work so necessary for those blessing to manifest. We as humans are challenged in our own understanding of all of this. Clients have said to me, " It isn't that simple." But the possibly to stop fear or anger is well worth it. Seeing Tony Robbins with Oprah gave examples of it with the enthusiasm of exercise that importance of changing that energy. Then adding prayer, meditation, journaling, makes this all possible plus having a good team who believe you can do it!
Friday, January 13, 2012
January 13, 2012
Soooooooooooo......the beginning of the year has started over New Years everyone was so thrilled now there is a calm inward journey with people attempting to figure out what does that really mean 2012? I know some are on a fast track making huge plans following through in a big way while others are nesting getting ready for that birth of ideas. I feel the angels are here to let us know we are all on the right track. It is a year of responsibility to our destiny we have be willing to do what it takes to get out there either in service or doing our work in a bigger way. This Full Moon being in Cancer as I lay in my bed the moon shining in here in Mt Shasta I almost forgot about it then a friend from Illinois called to ask about what I thought about this moon.....the night before which was Wed. I had dismissed this moon it then poof there it was shining in my side window nudging me, then again last night here she was again. I feel that the importance of taking care of our family(big), home, and social interaction is really much of what this year is about. This economic situation has taken us back to basics that was absolutely necessary for us to do our work. If you are reading this you are already committed to a spiritual practise there is no questioning you are not a novice you are a dedicated person and will be more so this coming time. We have entered that new time with much enthusiasm however for many it is a time of rest and inward journey which is feeling non productive but good for the soul. A friend Peter Mt Shasta was in the store the other day talking and showing me about doing a skype lesson a week, which he encouraged me to start he saids it is something I need to do. So in my own journey I am thinking about how that is birthing. I also have art work from Cheryl Rose labels to put on my flower essences but I don't understand how to do which a friend will help me with that,plus use her art work for the cover of a book. I wanted to do a group to Kona for myself the half marathon in Hilo on March 18 it too is still birthing. I have the feeling that time isn't quite yet but as many of you it feels like many years we have been waiting and here we are once again. I know that this time is very different and necessary for the birthing that is upon us. Next week my gal Amber is coming out we are planning a similar weekend as when another came out, excercise, massage, journey, meditation, cleansing, basic hanging with our energy of this Mountain! I am excited but also feel a depth of gentle queitness. I am hoping the weather is ok so we can do a lodge in my yard for the first of the year to help focuse and clear any unwanted energy so we can proceed in the most dynamic way possible. As always we are not in charge a lesson that is being continuably learned. Stay with the flow listen to directions and follow them.
Also we carry Peter Mt Shasta's book at our store "Adventures of a Western Mystic"
Cheryl Yambrach Rose book, posters, and deck of cards.
Also we carry Peter Mt Shasta's book at our store "Adventures of a Western Mystic"
Cheryl Yambrach Rose book, posters, and deck of cards.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Women's Gathering
I am sorry to say we have canceled it, due to such a slow start for 2012 between weather & energy. Happy 2012 more to come!
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