So as the year turns I have felt the great completions that are upon us! Plus new beginnings while feeling the grief of ending an era. I had plans of half marathons which I completed plus my friend Cora & I planned to venture into the Marble Mountains. That too had it challenges with snow. The area we were going to still is not open for horses to get over the Ridge so it was a few days before that we got the go from the Forest Service. Upon arriving there were mounds of snow but sunny during the day. It felt like a grand renewal for the 2 of us. Feeling what has happened for the last 10 + years? We are coming upon another eclipse July 30 supports this theory of new beginnings. I am going to add here a pray I wrote in 2000...........so here we are. This year has been a tiptoeing through the tulips of memory's of how did we get here. Clearing the life that doesn't work takes some recovery of our authentic self, unraveling that co- dependant working in our society. It is the time to move into that wonderful New Awareness however we have had so many challenges or clearing of the old but feeling some what helpless with the economy people losing homes and jobs.......having the new now while still feeling that it is a grand time of opening into great times. While feeling angels supporting us, feeling our ancestors holding us close, and our guides moving more powerfully in our choices. We are understanding if we are not getting the support or love that is absolutely necessary we must move into a more supportable spiritual honest energy. We have no choice but to make choices about our own boundary's which is a fairly new concept but necessary. We need to look at the acting out or numbing due to drugs, alcohol to cope with the pain of the past. It is also necessary to understand physicality of the brain how these patterns are an epidemic we must address these family patterns. Education is essential for any recovery including spiritual recovery to the depth of our courage to take on our own healing then having the ability to heal the bigger issues.
This trip to the Marbles was a huge adventure I feel very grateful that I did it. We as a family use to go before owning the store so this trip was being once again being with the medicine especially such a powerful place. I thank my Mom for holding down the store with great business keeping a happy positive attitude.
Dance with the Dolphins in the Full Moon of the Eclipse!
Hi Dear Ones!
We have embarked on a time of unbelievable beauty. May each of you be blessed in a profound way.
On July 16, 2000 is a powerful time to acknowledge your own growth as soul. May each of you be blessed in a profound way. There will be four of us representing the Four Directions; East, South, West, and North, praying for you with dolphins, dancing on the beach, bringing in the joy that you have brought into others lives. May you do ceremony of your own, light a candle, sing, dance, whatever is your fancy, there will be people all over praying for you, thanking you for your contribution to this life. May we have a renewed freedom to live to our highest potential, understanding how we are each a part of the great wheel. Lets pray that we love and empower each other to bring in the beauty into our lives and others.
I call forth the power and the presence of the Ascended Masters, I offer my body, my heart, and my soul to bring Divine Love, Courage, and Clarity to live to my highest potential in doing that I support all of my family and the big family. I bless all my relationships and thank them for my growth' I bless all my teachers. I bless all those who are in my direct alignment, may we join together to bring more love and peach to each other.
Blessings, Linda/West Wind
Soooooooo...........this is still very fitting for our times. We left on our trip on July 12 returning July 15 carrying our packs out not really planning but finding it necessary to understand our level of repsonsilbity that we all carried out. We made the pack then next year when celebrating our birthdays together we would not find the need to carry our heavy load out. We were thankful that Cora's friends carried in our load. Thanks Bill, Suzy and Travis!!
I feel very grateful that I have continued my journey even through our lives still keeping on.