Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can YOU Feel it?

Beyond amazing the clearing and clean up that is upon us, shifting from the old way into the new. The way I am describing this is being a woman of a size 10 attempting to fit into a girdle of size 0 it is a tight squirmy fits taking it toll on pulling it up. We are sweating from the labor wondering is this what life is? I thought I would have this wonderful enjoyable experience and now here I am. A gal yesterday that was in our store was saying it would be much easier to leave but knowing that her contract was to be here hold the energy for what ever that is worth. We are changing everything on the inner to be who we really are authenticly. We had a women's lodge on Sunday a big wow very deep beautiful sweet experience. One of the gals called Monday saying she was already being hit with choices of what to say or not.....yes it is worth it but we have to do whatever we do. So our job is to be more spiritual through our challenges, moving into the Divine with more communication in clarity bringing ourselves and others up to the speed of the energy. I am expecting a divine one from my son Zachary and his wife Jaime this little one will bring a change they already have. The divine being has brought about a difficult communication just before their birth getting the entire family on the same page. We have had many challenges with our business, like so many retail especially in this area. I still feel very blessed to be here in this building with my Mom it has taught us so much about our own limitations to rise to being more. After our rental being available we have had to shift to make things happen into arena's that are not comfortable financially begging to trust and have faith. We have been pro-active with our entire lives not really knowing showing up saying YES not knowing the fall out that could occur. Yes Yes Yes.......welcoming our new baby new life in all arena's !!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Earth Day!

Hey all what creates a great blog, not looming ego but the commonality that we all are experiences during these challenging times, but a new has matter how it may feel differently. We are making head way with our current economic climate, having the faith and trust that we will survive, very important time to move with our cheer leading for ourselves and others. When in the Harmonic Convergence how could we envision our Aquarius Age being so, we thought it would be a time of communion with the Divine, we didn't know we would have such huge decisions to make. We also couldn't predict the betrayal that we have experienced in our personal or financial institutions that have almost ruined many. People often are not what they seem to be they profess being spiritually ethical but are not often costing us greatly economically or emotionally, this is the cost of being sensitive. I am often with spiritual people who are saying they should have known however the cloak of darkness is often masked so in the new age it is said to protect yourself however some of these situations there is no way to know. We need to just understand we are gathering more information of the who's who of our spiritual life moving into a more powerful time with a better understand of the laws of this spiritual life we are living.
It is very exciting all the things that are coming to the surface showing what needs to be changed, realizing we are all connected, our current administration is certainly encouraging us with more human green alternatives, peace, communication and well being among nations and people. A HO! to all of it!