Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Blue Moon of 2009, Winter Solstice, New Moon
Here we are in the closing of the year, what is up for you? Is there unfinished business surfacing. A Healer friend talked today about how we are finally in that sacred body aligning many old life's into the New. That is partly why this close is so threatening with challenges. We have had our own, I am still writing you name it Congress, the President, Walley Herger (even called his office about this credit dilemma the guy there said just sell something, what an idiot has he seen the market.....not so easy, plus that isn't the best solution) It for us is a time of aligning our shadow fear focusing not on reality but the magic that is just before us. Mom has gone through first the flu and now another, partly emotional due to see things in reality coming out of a long denial. I am still working out running when I can with this weather, doing Zumba, did a 6 mile race for Thanksgiving. I keep telling my clients the importance of now with our physical body's to reeve it up with exercise to combat the higher vibratory rate that is moving through us. Being the time to get into better alignment getting out of denial acceptance and moving on. It is very important not to maintain negativity no matter what is dished out, once you know who or what it is let go let God and move to a higher place. I feel very fortunate that there is information about such things so available where even in the 90's we still had a bit of that Pollyanna approach of process till you fell into exhaustion, now we get the information do what is necessary and move beyond the drama. So I honor you and thank you for being on my blog reading my words focusing in 2010 to be more out there to have our current credit challenges taken care of so we have more time to focus on the business and doing more out there work. It will be a great awakening to ourselves and other in 2010. Peace, Love, and Wishing you JOY for the Holiday's and New Year! A HO!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Current Energy
We are all in the tale spin of the washing machine called life. It is an interesting time of self moving. We have interesting people coming in our store. A wonderful fellow from England sharing his knowledge with us. I made some flower essence for him our completion of roses which was great with sweet intentions for him and his friend. Life can be so easy and uplifting, then it can be so challenging in the same time. When life goes smoothly it makes it easy to enjoy but when we feel like we are swimming up stream that is another story. In 1992 in Vedic Astrology I entered Rahu which lasts for 18 yrs which is coming out in 2010, what I got it means is each step has that pull of what is going on. I started a relationship which lasted 6 yrs., it definitely has it's challenges. We gave up a business, but when to Findhorn a plus. Each has shown more of who I am what I am able to rise above, even in the spiritual challenges. Then bought this building that had it's challenges and now with the current banking there would be no way we could get a loan but we did. We ended up having some construction that we hadn't the finances for but we did it. Moving each step of the way, then we were able to re-fi with a great guy from Wells Fargo Michael Rivera.......then our renter left just as the market was clear down from the banks last year. We are still here hanging on so Rahu has taken it's course with me. I have glimmers of an easier way coming and I believe that too. I love the Hick's Ester claims it well worth keeping in the Vision, Go-Gratitude is another absolutely positive move to stay in. I love the clients I have I just need more, when people travel through I do reading suggesting phone sessions at a reduced rate, partly it is once we have that connection it is great to continue maybe once or twice a month. The people I do that with is amazing results for them, well worth the time and money. I see more of that happening but in the mean time the sooner thing shift the better for our store and our lives. Mom is at an age where she shouldn't have these challenges she is in our store to give her wisdom and insight. We have an Amma altar envisioning in us being in a flow of ease, so when we see her tomorrow at Devi Baba we are praying once again about that shift. When we had the construction and financial burden of it all she would say NO Worry.......No Worry, that would ring in our ears. Each step of the way she has been in our energy, now we need that last shift for our beautiful store and clients.....Life with ease and beauty to do our work. For Mom to be able to enjoy this time. I write about so many things, mantra's, women's groups, (my group has been going for 3yrs which everyone is fabulous) We had a few have wild deals that took our group to another level of partly confusion then more insight. I don't think that most realize the level of commitment and intimacy that really happens, if they did they would realize the importance of integrity that they owe to me and the group. When people miss behave or just drop off, there is a time of churning that goes on. I feel that we are women envisioning and dreaming in such a deep way that when that isn't respected it is such a shame. Our groups are confidential but also such wonderful deep work the mutual respect for the work is a must. I really love being there holding the energy for great things, it is some of my best work. People also are beginning to realize that phone work is so deep. I remember many years ago when I started doing that it wasn't popular, now things have changed. It can be really positive, conference calls are great for groups, so much can be done while you are sitting in what ever space, your car, at home, in the woods etc. So easy to do this work. I am up in the middle of night not sleeping pondering this all, so look forward to my writing on some of my adventures, when my book comes out about my first teachers, native American successes and challenges, what is really is about the Red Road, the Great White Brotherhood some of my first encounters, Crystal healer....the non reality that is as real as anything. Magic that can be created even in Rahu. Rahu made me become more determined in so many things including exercise, work ethics, being that nature women not really thinking anything was impossible endure no matter what. I got that card from the Wisdom Deck of the Crones which i found myself a bit resistance, because I feel like I have Endured....so why do I have to get a card, but there was this woman drinking tea with a toning bowl behind her with Mt Shasta in it which looks like me. My first journey to Mt Shasta in 78 connecting with an Avatar continuing my journey with our store. Then for my before turning 60 I Native American Church meeting praying in Gratitude about my life the firer keeper Corey gave me a bowl like that for my healing work, which blew me away any I use. So I am looking forward to a more
positive 2010. I feel we are ending the year with more insight and need to envision the good things even when we are challenged with our current situations. This week I spend an enormous time with banking,even wrote a letter to Congress about how terrible it is for small business, a part of Rahu I can't ignore. Credit Cards limits lowered when there are no late payments to such low deals just above by such a small amount of what is owed. I talk to people hanging on but having no way to proceed when there are in the red, no lending no matter what equity........plus a certain arrogance around it. Then there are some kind souls who understand but their hands are tied, even non-profit don't want to touch you unless you want to hire new employees now that would be great however when you can't pay yourself how in the world can you take a grant to get employees when what business's need is relief around consolidating existing debt at lower interest so we can get fluid. Yes being positive marketing moving in more advertising what ever it takes is great, but these other things are so time consuming to the small business, I am glad Mom can handle the store while I am doing this........damn Rahu.
positive 2010. I feel we are ending the year with more insight and need to envision the good things even when we are challenged with our current situations. This week I spend an enormous time with banking,even wrote a letter to Congress about how terrible it is for small business, a part of Rahu I can't ignore. Credit Cards limits lowered when there are no late payments to such low deals just above by such a small amount of what is owed. I talk to people hanging on but having no way to proceed when there are in the red, no lending no matter what equity........plus a certain arrogance around it. Then there are some kind souls who understand but their hands are tied, even non-profit don't want to touch you unless you want to hire new employees now that would be great however when you can't pay yourself how in the world can you take a grant to get employees when what business's need is relief around consolidating existing debt at lower interest so we can get fluid. Yes being positive marketing moving in more advertising what ever it takes is great, but these other things are so time consuming to the small business, I am glad Mom can handle the store while I am doing this........damn Rahu.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Our Car Story
My old Buick was my first car at 16, it got me & my high school friends to the beach, driving various places then the rear end went out.
My new car was a Gem I was so shocked Andy who was to become my step dad sprung for the first Mustang 1964 red with a white convertible top, I liked him better.
My new car my Mom & Andy sold they gave me her T Bird most would be thrilled but I missed my Mustang. She got a better car.
My new used T Bird I traded in for 1966 Austin Heally with payments, I was working now.
My first family car was a Honda Accord my crazy husband thought it made sense, he was right.
My Heally the husband took the fuel pump out stored it under the bushes, when I left him I took my car.
My navy blue jeep was great for Siskiyou County going to the Marble Mountains, it loved the wilderness.
My new White Camero 1991 I took my son's with me car shopping the fellow flirted with me and them. Yes I bought my muscle car my son's were thrilled but my payments were high.
My son Zac bought a used El Camino he loved working on it with all new stuff, then sold it.
My son Zac got a better car a Camero he then takes it to College it gets stolen, he is heart sick. The insurance does well with him, he gets a better 1967 Camero blue electric.
My son Josh is in Washougal calls about a Chevelle it has been owned by just the seller. He fixes it up with air plane fuel everything is chrome big muscle car. It sets of car alarms when he drives by.
My son Josh's senior project is a streamliner for college engineering he designs each piece he will race in 2010, after getting side tracked with a Formula Car he sells. He is down at the Salt Flat the car he is on the crew breaks the world record.
My son Zac now has a wife , new baby Tessa buys a Mazda from the lot with leather uphosltery. He is so proud of all of it.
My Heally has seen better days Star known as Steve took pieces a part but doesn't put it together again, so till my son's or some one puts Humpty Dumpty together again it sits. Still my old friend!
My new car was a Gem I was so shocked Andy who was to become my step dad sprung for the first Mustang 1964 red with a white convertible top, I liked him better.
My new car my Mom & Andy sold they gave me her T Bird most would be thrilled but I missed my Mustang. She got a better car.
My new used T Bird I traded in for 1966 Austin Heally with payments, I was working now.
My first family car was a Honda Accord my crazy husband thought it made sense, he was right.
My Heally the husband took the fuel pump out stored it under the bushes, when I left him I took my car.
My navy blue jeep was great for Siskiyou County going to the Marble Mountains, it loved the wilderness.
My new White Camero 1991 I took my son's with me car shopping the fellow flirted with me and them. Yes I bought my muscle car my son's were thrilled but my payments were high.
My son Zac bought a used El Camino he loved working on it with all new stuff, then sold it.
My son Zac got a better car a Camero he then takes it to College it gets stolen, he is heart sick. The insurance does well with him, he gets a better 1967 Camero blue electric.
My son Josh is in Washougal calls about a Chevelle it has been owned by just the seller. He fixes it up with air plane fuel everything is chrome big muscle car. It sets of car alarms when he drives by.
My son Josh's senior project is a streamliner for college engineering he designs each piece he will race in 2010, after getting side tracked with a Formula Car he sells. He is down at the Salt Flat the car he is on the crew breaks the world record.
My son Zac now has a wife , new baby Tessa buys a Mazda from the lot with leather uphosltery. He is so proud of all of it.
My Heally has seen better days Star known as Steve took pieces a part but doesn't put it together again, so till my son's or some one puts Humpty Dumpty together again it sits. Still my old friend!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Fall the Leaves are Just Turning
I can't believe I haven't written so much has changed in the Universe, with the beginning of the Summer Solstice going through the summer of Eciplses which were huge. In fact one on 9-9-09 was suppose to be one that hasn't occurred for any of us in this life time. There was a group who spent the night on the mountain singing drumming playing instruments then came by our store to check in telling the tales of how great it was, plus they got snowed on you could feel the energy that was very powerful. This group then went to Stewart Springs continuing the process. The following weekend on the 15 th was very powerful I can't remember a time as wonderful since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. We also went to a memorial for Uncle Kenny we offered our pink roses for the ceremony it was at the Community Center for the whole weekend. Listening to the stories of how this Uncle touched so many peoples life was truly a gift. He met with Yogananda on the beach having him in the physical teach him about meditation. This has been the summer now we are into the fall with early cold weather feeling that life will never be the same. It is a new day. Mom and I have been going to Kirtan with Sadav it is wonderful on Wednesday nights which has helped our store (also having it play through the business day, we are selling the current CD that was made on 9-9-09) We also got a renter that is such a relief, we had to be in Gratitude for the showing up in a different type of business then expected that was also a new experience. I am taking a writing class up at Yreka which is awesome, it is one step beyond Artist Way stream of conciousness writing she has a great way of doing our 10 min or 20 min stream, very fun, very exposing.....whewww weeee so here I go to write that memiors. So between my running with my partner 4+ miles since May now writing. I feel it is an important to time to move forward with positive affirmations or thought stop that negative nonsense. Listen to CD's or web sites that support this Abraham's, Wayne Dyer, just move out of suffering no matter what is going on. We can all say ain't it aweful so what does that do? Give us more of the same, stop that old story, creat a fun new story raise your vibration......oh I know we are so use to OUR story it is huge to let it go. We are in a New NOW this summer showed us big time so think positive thoughts it doesn't have to be reality dream big talk about it creat it......yes Yes we can!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wilderness Quest/June
We made it! It was a great Quest however June energetically was definitely a challenge, each person who called or asked keep feeling that churning of things not coming together. I told various people my feeling were things would not get going till after the Eclipse and Full Moon of July 7. So our gathering this year was wonderful full participation with ease, building the lodge, our Quester's going out early Wednesday morning, the camp cooks rocked ......a very sweet energy. Shannon is pregnant with her 3 rd child bringing her other 2 children Brady and Taylor added the family sweetness. We have many who would love to have a family then being blessed with such a sweetness was a big plus. Patrina and Shannon took care of everything that mommy's do, the kitchen is such an important nurturing place needing that type of energy to create the foundation for our group. Daniel and I had a wonderful flow each doing what is necessary to make it a safe and nurturing experience for all. The lodges were wonderful we had so much help this year from everyone carrying rocks, wood, blankets, tarps what ever was necessary we had helping hands with good attitudes. We decided to stay at the camp after the Quester's came in which was great we had music great conversation's and re-entry with ease. Sunday we did a fabulous closing circle then broke down the lodge also with ease. All of us go to the Goat for our fixes of food which is also great. Then Mom came in the store to open for our group they were more the generous for our store. She prepares the ceremonial food, comes to the lodge, she was amazing running lodge telling her story now every one's mantra is "and that ok too, " So she is happy to have the group come in to check them out after such a process of our Wilderness Quest. I also want to thank Jenn for getting a moon lodge together for the women this year it was beautiful and very powerful for our women to be honored for the power during their moon time.
We are really excited for our coming 4th year. Several years ago when I took a group to when we came out of Gun Boot Lake I was asked about Princess Diana and Mother Theresa who passed as we were gone. That was huge the amount of sorrow and loss that was experienced world wide. Then this year Michael Jackson was so fascinating the implications one of our themes this year was any range of addiction to see how when we are pre-occupied we are unable to stay in our hearts and really focus on our own authenticity. It could range from substance, people, food, adventure, business, debt or anything. It is also helpful for people to realize prescription drugs how dangerous they are. I feel we are only beginning to comprehend the magnitude of his passing. It has been the events like 911 or the Tsunami or Katrina to begin to interpret the significance that it has world wide, plus our current economic challenges. So being in the wilderness was such a gift with such divine beings to check out of the current climate of the world to once again be in nature, drink pure water, smell and feel the green of nature, oh yes and bless the bugs which after the wettest June in 120 yrs brought a new level of respect for our bug friends. We were praying the week before for good weather the spirits answered our prays Thank YOU, it was perfect weather. We were truly blessed!
We are really excited for our coming 4th year. Several years ago when I took a group to when we came out of Gun Boot Lake I was asked about Princess Diana and Mother Theresa who passed as we were gone. That was huge the amount of sorrow and loss that was experienced world wide. Then this year Michael Jackson was so fascinating the implications one of our themes this year was any range of addiction to see how when we are pre-occupied we are unable to stay in our hearts and really focus on our own authenticity. It could range from substance, people, food, adventure, business, debt or anything. It is also helpful for people to realize prescription drugs how dangerous they are. I feel we are only beginning to comprehend the magnitude of his passing. It has been the events like 911 or the Tsunami or Katrina to begin to interpret the significance that it has world wide, plus our current economic challenges. So being in the wilderness was such a gift with such divine beings to check out of the current climate of the world to once again be in nature, drink pure water, smell and feel the green of nature, oh yes and bless the bugs which after the wettest June in 120 yrs brought a new level of respect for our bug friends. We were praying the week before for good weather the spirits answered our prays Thank YOU, it was perfect weather. We were truly blessed!
Monday, June 8, 2009
OM Amma!
Well after writing my last post we drove 5 hrs to see the divine Amma it was well worth it, we drove in the parking lot at 7:40 pm from Mt Shasta, they directed us to a private sweet lot with new stables being built mostly Indian parked there with children pregnant Mom's another beautiful sign of our own birthing...arriving shortly after the meditation, talk and blessings of the water. We received our token, received water then going to the temple with all the buzz a gentle soft energy. In the ride up some of the seva people were talking about how nice everyone is being we were almost driven to the door very little effort for much in the night. We had just had the Monks here from India doing the AMitabha Buddha of Light Sand Mandala also doing the White Umbrella Teaching.....then to see Amma on stage with this beautiful White Umbrella with Gold Trim in this life there are no accidents. Through the night I was aware of what gifts we have receive just by putting the effort to arrive at these blessed events. How life is inner twined with many teaching about Light and letting go of Negativity(White Umbrella Teaching) the monks explained the whole process of the Empowerment and here we are with the Divine Mother giving us such sweet powerful confirmation. Through the night there was laughter and a sweet flow of energy. I felt very alive and awake, I also felt the energy of my new baby grand daughter Tessa Lili Held the energy of blessing this old soul welcoming her to the divine. Seeing so many baby's and little children come for the blessings from Amma. We went up for our hug around 5 AM my mom taking Tessa's picture Amma giving her a big wet kiss for our baby.....as usual I am completely awe stuck in a time warp of what is really happening. What I do know I felt a focus in my prayers very direct clear communication to the Divine knowing more is possible. In the past I often would come in such sorrow or fear that Amma would say things like no worry....last time it was just feeling good for me she gave us both a blessing. This time felt like something big was achieved some big prayers and medicine were handled. When I started my spiritual journey I vowed that my spiritual would come first I vowed to follow my instructions which I have often questioning it saying are you sure I did it? or maybe I heard wrong, but knowing in my heart of hearts that is one thing I can do with some ease even if I feel completely unsure of the direction. It was when the message came to buy this building knowing that it was next to impossible and divine energy would have to help that divine energy was my son Josh signed on our building without his income this wouldn't happen, he put trust in me but I knew it was our destiny. Then we had these floods that first financially was a huge stretch putting the room together again, having to re-do the bathroom for ADA, I would ask are you sure....the answer was always the same....After putting in a french drain with not 1 but 2 sump pumps, having the whole grounds to clean up and do sod in the pouring rain. (never have done sod and no real desire to do sod) Then carrying 66 garbage cans of rock and dirt....now I was angry and saying are you sure? My hands were so sore I couldn't do massages or even do readings with such physical labor. I knew in my heart of hearts I was working through some very deep emotions and clear karma. So this night I felt that all that was behind us knowing we have done our work even with criticism with our current economic situations knowing we have done the best for 2 older women, in sales, being positive, advertising, and doing what ever it takes to achieve our goal. I was talking with our wonderful account Ann De Gray asking questions about this she was saying such positive things giving to push knowing we are doing the best. I appreciate those who have been so kind Jimmy Aquilla who was our contractor who even paid for our cement work till we could pay. We have been blessed with angels coming our way. Last year a sweet client Anne gave me a generous gift, then this year Katra moved forward with no questions asked just believing me our process. So sitting here with Amma knowing we have arrived in a special time. My dear Daniel Foor the gift of him doing his dissertation PHD how blessed I feel for the work we do together, really praying of how little we knew each other with his insight we are on our 3rd year Vision Quest. He is such a powerful teacher and a gift to the human race. When my Mom almost passed he supported me in such a kind way just checking in, for that I will always appreciate. As I sit here with Amma all of these stories are coming together one day soon writing about them with the powerful non reality I have experienced with each rising of my own Phoenix. And love I have been loved more then I care to admit it really is almost an embarrassment of how deeply I have been loved, often in those lonely moments I as a woman alone forget that just feeling my loneliness. I know that can't be taken from me I need to remember how blessed I am. When I was told in 1991 in a Vision to write 4 Blessd on my license plate I felt embarrassed but did follow directions, it has taken till these moments to only begin to understand the depth of the instruction and many others.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hang on Tight!
Hey we are just coming through the eye of a needle know that it is our time, to enjoy letting go of addictions, all types; food, sex, love, nonfunctional, adventure, alcohol, drugs, and suffering. It is our time to enjoy this life, not let a moment go not being in Gratitude for the gift of Life. These times are shifting out all unnecessary energy raising our vibrations, moving into a New Now.......Hey I don't want to be one of those Blogs that is just PREACHING....Oh boy have I had challenges, I keep asking the questions and get the answers that may not be what I want. I wanted to re-fi but since our business shows a loss it is impossible so far to do, they just say can't help you. Then with no late fees getting lower credit card amounts some with no notice. I spend much time with Chevron Business account first they went to no paper charging a fee of $5 so I called and wrote, changed to online didn't receive on paid my bills on the second page in very small print saying that the site is EST, so a late fee. I wrote an email and called to no avail, so the next payment I paid 3 days early only to find once again Friday in the afternoon is EST another late fee, I wrote hard copy and email, also calling.......finally got a call back they would take the last 2 late off because it isn't posted well on their site. Of course calling again they said nope but would give me a discount on gas....I canceled that card, plus notified Congress of their unprofessional treatment, plus it is not on their front page of their online payment. These are the things that we who enjoy yes I said enjoy paying our bills, now can you imagine how much time I spent on this. Then to get our limits lowered on credit cards with no or little notice, with no late fees. I find each day spending too much time managing these things rather then doing my spiritual work. In the economic times making small business's have these challenges is time consuming besides with sales down all over, it takes enormous energy. I own 3 building, having good equity in them so to pull out cash to pay some debts, but unable to do so makes no sense......Now how with these limits being lowered is that going to effect our credit report mine in March was 760 + so we need to enjoy raise the vibration bless our vender's, banks, customers, and all we come in contact with it is our time even though we wonder what in the heaven is going on....We just want to have Fun, I hear that from so many sources. We want to have deeper loving relationships, live our life with passion and reality in the non reality.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
What is up with this Life?
We are all wondering this, is this the enjoyment of these times? The shift of the ages.......we hear that California is running out of money, talking about not paying welfare, closing parks, now we just came through a great election.....does any of this make sense? There was a blog of some-one saying that fear and control is the aim I feel freedom in this life is the aim. We have to rise into the new NOW taking those changes, not listening to the negativity however don't put your head in the sand either. One of my teachers said it is important read what is really going on, she was highly intelligent. So today our President is making peace with other country's moving toward a better communication for the world, so how can these other things be happening? Living in Mt Shasta with the economics of the last couple years have definitely been a push, I feel the shift, but it has to happen sooner then later to our divine city. After the Monks were here they did The White Umbrella Tara for our city to remove any negativity, which I am grateful. I felt the divine energy with them being so present, we are so blessed to have them do the beautiful Sand Mandala this one was so bright and the bringer of the light, I see that for our country, state and city. The challenge is to keep keeping on, in the past has been challenges, with now the huge manifestation of it all in a universal and intimate level. People are not what they seem often great disappoints for their own illusions of not being who they pretend we often are the last to realize they are con's. We are moving or dancing as fast as we can through this thick energy attaining awakening that is often painful opening to the awareness of the reality or non reality that this life has to offer. We in the store have been very blessed the last bit with great high beings coming in blessing us, giving us insight to our destiny .........being very supportive. Losing our renter going through a particularly tough winter with sales, we have been pushed into great trust and surrender which so many merchants in our divine city have. When the Mt Shasta Women in Business was started the aim was to support business through this time, after it took off in another direction because of the leadership but originally through the Artist Way group that it was birthed it was to do an out reach program to go to business's including the Chamber, local merchants, to actually dive deeper into the city. I saw a couple of years ago the decline in tourists, in comparison those people that would come here from all over the world to rejuvenate and realign, the people who come our really a blessing to our town. We see the changes many are opting to find other jobs to new city's, many property's are for sale due to the current economic challenge, the college has limited their classes, along with many schools all over........we have to look in a different way moving into the light seeing wonderful things to come, not in an illusion.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Can YOU Feel it?
Beyond amazing the clearing and clean up that is upon us, shifting from the old way into the new. The way I am describing this is being a woman of a size 10 attempting to fit into a girdle of size 0 it is a tight squirmy fits taking it toll on pulling it up. We are sweating from the labor wondering is this what life is? I thought I would have this wonderful enjoyable experience and now here I am. A gal yesterday that was in our store was saying it would be much easier to leave but knowing that her contract was to be here hold the energy for what ever that is worth. We are changing everything on the inner to be who we really are authenticly. We had a women's lodge on Sunday a big wow very deep beautiful sweet experience. One of the gals called Monday saying she was already being hit with choices of what to say or not.....yes it is worth it but we have to do whatever we do. So our job is to be more spiritual through our challenges, moving into the Divine with more communication in clarity bringing ourselves and others up to the speed of the energy. I am expecting a divine one from my son Zachary and his wife Jaime this little one will bring a change they already have. The divine being has brought about a difficult communication just before their birth getting the entire family on the same page. We have had many challenges with our business, like so many retail especially in this area. I still feel very blessed to be here in this building with my Mom it has taught us so much about our own limitations to rise to being more. After our rental being available we have had to shift to make things happen into arena's that are not comfortable financially begging to trust and have faith. We have been pro-active with our entire lives not really knowing showing up saying YES not knowing the fall out that could occur. Yes Yes Yes.......welcoming our new baby new life in all arena's !!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
New Earth Day!
Hey all what creates a great blog, not looming ego but the commonality that we all are experiences during these challenging times, but a new has dawned........no matter how it may feel differently. We are making head way with our current economic climate, having the faith and trust that we will survive, very important time to move with our cheer leading for ourselves and others. When in the Harmonic Convergence how could we envision our Aquarius Age being so, we thought it would be a time of communion with the Divine, we didn't know we would have such huge decisions to make. We also couldn't predict the betrayal that we have experienced in our personal or financial institutions that have almost ruined many. People often are not what they seem to be they profess being spiritually ethical but are not often costing us greatly economically or emotionally, this is the cost of being sensitive. I am often with spiritual people who are saying they should have known however the cloak of darkness is often masked so in the new age it is said to protect yourself however some of these situations there is no way to know. We need to just understand we are gathering more information of the who's who of our spiritual life moving into a more powerful time with a better understand of the laws of this spiritual life we are living.
It is very exciting all the things that are coming to the surface showing what needs to be changed, realizing we are all connected, our current administration is certainly encouraging us with more human green alternatives, peace, communication and well being among nations and people. A HO! to all of it!
It is very exciting all the things that are coming to the surface showing what needs to be changed, realizing we are all connected, our current administration is certainly encouraging us with more human green alternatives, peace, communication and well being among nations and people. A HO! to all of it!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Spring Time
Well we made it through another Winter Solstice, we are now seeing our flowers starting to sprout, along with the leaves just being shoots coming out. It is really amazing yesterday Go Gratitude started on the New Moon March 26 we can feel change in the air! My son and daughter in-love are expecting the end of May new beginnings for all. It really is amazing, it is time for the change to be here, no more negative economy talk. In 2 wks will be my Mom's 80th birthday on April 10 then a friend & I are doing a run. After work going to the bay area for the baby shower on that Sunday. Big time changes are here! We have been waiting for a new tenant since last year, due to circumstances beyond most of our control, we are very optimistic that it will happen. It has been a whirl wind of deep healing for all of us during this time, with the expectation of greater and better things coming. I am anxious to go deeper making better connections with positive people more intimate.
We had Wilderness Quest meeting, it is very exciting with the enthusiasm for our 3 rd year. We are in the West which is where I do my work the sacred dream birth and rebirth, healing in a profound way. I feel it will be sweet with our group people who will be in the woods with us for our 3 rd year. Looking forward to once again be in the belly of nature with such grand beings, earth beings ancestors and us along with the earth spirits Deva and fairy's. It all feel very powerful I feel blessed to again share this time with Daniel leading such a dynamic group through ceremony for a week.
On a personal note I feel deeper connections and drive in my own healing in areas I thought were done, but as we know we just relive that in a more profound way. It never ceases to amazes me there is no completion, or done but I feel for myself doing this makes me more compassionate to assist others in their own healing, more human. We are always on our own journey of spiritual opening to new awareness's.
We went to see Mother Meera that was divine in a very quiet meditative way. We were suppose to see her last year but she came to Ashland this month very sweet quiet power, that lasted for days after.
We had Wilderness Quest meeting, it is very exciting with the enthusiasm for our 3 rd year. We are in the West which is where I do my work the sacred dream birth and rebirth, healing in a profound way. I feel it will be sweet with our group people who will be in the woods with us for our 3 rd year. Looking forward to once again be in the belly of nature with such grand beings, earth beings ancestors and us along with the earth spirits Deva and fairy's. It all feel very powerful I feel blessed to again share this time with Daniel leading such a dynamic group through ceremony for a week.
On a personal note I feel deeper connections and drive in my own healing in areas I thought were done, but as we know we just relive that in a more profound way. It never ceases to amazes me there is no completion, or done but I feel for myself doing this makes me more compassionate to assist others in their own healing, more human. We are always on our own journey of spiritual opening to new awareness's.
We went to see Mother Meera that was divine in a very quiet meditative way. We were suppose to see her last year but she came to Ashland this month very sweet quiet power, that lasted for days after.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We have seen the beauty of this New Inauguration with our new president Obama and Michael, watching the re-newed confidence of our country. I can't remember a couple in the White House who really looks like they love each other, that is such a powerful statement for the NOW. His first day at work he accomplished so much. Star Flower Essenes Star talked about his speech and the key words what that represents New Age, planet, moving into an integrated AGE, a generation of service....there is so much one can hardly comprehend. I claim that with this re-newed confidence the stock market along with people stop the negative spin that happened with our current Stock Market, to focus on the change that is upon us.
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